<br><font size=3 face="sans-serif">FYI! Latest annual meeting from ACES,
a consortium between Frostburg State U., University of Maryland Biotechnology
Institute, and West Virginia U.!</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Patricia S. De Angelis, Ph.D.<br>
Botanist - Division of Scientific Authority<br>
Chair - Plant Conservation Alliance - Medicinal Plant Working Group<br>
US Fish & Wildlife Service<br>
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 110<br>
Arlington, VA 22203<br>
703-358-1708 x1753<br>
FAX: 703-358-2276<br>
Promoting sustainable use and conservation of our native medicinal plants.<br>
<br><font size=1 color=#800080 face="sans-serif">----- Forwarded by Patricia
De Angelis/ARL/R9/FWS/DOI on 05/19/2010 10:53 AM -----</font>
<table width=100%>
<tr valign=top>
<td width=40%><font size=1 face="sans-serif"><b>"Mimi Hernandez"
<mhernandez@frostburg.edu></b> </font>
<p><font size=1 face="sans-serif">05/19/2010 10:36 AM</font>
<td width=59%>
<table width=100%>
<tr valign=top>
<div align=right><font size=1 face="sans-serif">To</font></div>
<td><font size=1 face="sans-serif">"Mimi Hernandez" <mhernandez@frostburg.edu></font>
<tr valign=top>
<div align=right><font size=1 face="sans-serif">cc</font></div>
<td><font size=1 face="sans-serif">"Liz Medcalf" <EMedcalf@frostburg.edu>,
"Natalie A Walsh" <nawalsh0@frostburg.edu></font>
<tr valign=top>
<div align=right><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Subject</font></div>
<td><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Appalachian Ethnobotany Studies Symposium!</font></table>
<tr valign=top>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">Dear Ethnobotany Enthusiast,</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">Attached is the flyer for the upcoming
Symposium for the Appalachian Center for Ethnobotanical Studies on Saturday,June
26th. The Symposium is free and requires registration at this link
</font><a href=http://www.frostburg.edu/aces/meeting_registration.cfm><font size=2 color=blue face="Calibri"><u>http://www.frostburg.edu/aces/meeting_registration.cfm</u></font></a><font size=2 face="Calibri">
. Please forward this to your contacts!! Hope to see you there!!</font>
<br><font size=1 face="Calibri">Please note: ACES has been developing
its email list. If you received this email more than once or wish
to be removed from future mailings please reply with brief note.</font>
<br><font size=1 face="Calibri"> </font>
<br><img src=cid:_2_073153D8073151840052767285257728 alt="ACESsymposium press.jpg">
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri"> </font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri"> </font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">Mimi Hernandez. MS, RH(AHG)<br>
Outreach Coordinator</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">Appalachian Center for Ethnobotanical Studies</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">Frostburg State University<br>
106 Compton Science Center <br>
Frostburg, MD 21532<br>
Office: 301-687-3136<br>
Email: </font><a href=mailto:slbrosi@frostburg.edu><font size=2 color=blue face="Calibri"><u>mhernandez@frostburg.edu</u></font></a>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">Website:</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">www.frostburg.edu/aces/</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Calibri">www.mimihernandez.com</font>