<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">Can this be possible - two paid
internship opportunities within an hour's time?!?! This one forwarded
by Ray Mims, Conservation Horticulturist at the U.S. Botanic Garden.</font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">Note the <b>deadline</b>: Applications
must be postmarked or emailed to </font><font size=3 color=#000080 face="Times New Roman">usbg@aoc.gov
</font><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">by February 20, 2010.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Patricia S. De Angelis, Ph.D.<br>
Botanist - Division of Scientific Authority<br>
Chair - Plant Conservation Alliance - Medicinal Plant Working Group<br>
US Fish & Wildlife Service<br>
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 110<br>
Arlington, VA 22203<br>
703-358-1708 x1753<br>
FAX: 703-358-2276<br>
Promoting sustainable use and conservation of our native medicinal plants.<br>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - </font>
<br><font size=3 color=blue face="Calibri">Attached is the announcement
for an internship here at the USBG- paid for by our friends group. Please
distribute it to anyone you think may have an interest. </font>
<br><font size=3 color=blue face="Calibri">Thank you.</font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><b>The National Garden Internship</b></font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">The United States Botanic Garden
is an institution dedicated to demonstrating the aesthetic, cultural, economic,
therapeutic, and ecological importance of plants to the well-being of humankind.
The National Garden is the newest addition to the U.S. Botanic Garden –
a three-acre oasis with a Regional Garden, Rose Garden, Butterfly Garden,
and First Ladies Water Garden.</font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><b>The National Garden Intern will
focus on Educational Outreach </b>through planning, implementing, and managing
interpretive materials and programs for the public through hands-on involvement
in the education programming of the National Garden.</font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">For an overview of the internship,
see: http://www.usbg.gov/education/upload/National-Garden-Intern-2010-Flier.pdf</font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><br>
For details on the internship (expectations and benefits) and to apply,
see: http://www.usbg.gov/education/upload/NG-Intern-Application-2010.pdf</font>