<head><style>body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color: #ffffff;color: black;}</style></head><body id="compText">Here's a link to a great video from a few years back illustrating some of the issues with mountaintop removal. I believe that this video exposes a bigger picture to some of the conservation challenges all of us are facing. As someone who practices sustainable wildharvesting and who has little influence on public policy in our current system of government, this serves to also illustrate the need for a more libertarian and systemic approach to our dilemma where property rights for all would be protected, not just the property rights of large corporations "upstream".<br><br>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPixjCneseE<br><br>-Robin<br></body><pre>
Robin Alton Suggs
MoonBranch Botanicals
5294 Yellow Creek Road
Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771
Telephone: 828.479.2788
American Herbalist Guild
Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project; Farm Partner
Co-op America
Green Products Alliance
National Network of Forest Practitioners
North Carolina Consortium on Natural Medicines
North Carolina Goodness Grows/NCDA&CS
North Carolina Natural Products Association
Southwestern North Carolina RC&D Council
United Plant Savers
"Western civilization is based on the philosophical error that manipulative science is the truth"
~Fritjof Capra</pre>