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<td bgcolor=white valign=top><font size=3>Pruned trunks of <i>Acrocarpus
fraxinifolius</i> and <i>Toona ciliata </i>for clearwood sawn timber production.</font>
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<td bgcolor=white valign=top><font size=4><b><i>The Overstory</i> #217</b></font>
<p><font size=4 color=#006600><b>Pruning of timber trees </b></font>
<p><font size=4 color=#006600>By Rowan Reid</font>
<p><font size=4>April 13, 2009</font>
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<p><font size=3><b>The Overstory #217</b></font>
<p><font size=3><b>Pruning of timber trees</b></font>
<p><font size=3>By Rowan Reid</font>
<p><font size=3><b>Introduction</b></font>
<p><font size=3>The main purpose of pruning is to enhance timber value
by increasing the proportion of clearwood. Knot-free limber commonly attracts
a premium price in appearance grade markets for pine, eucalypt, leak, Douglas
fir and many other species. Although not often specified, knot-free timber
is also preferable in the structural timber market where large or loose
knots affect limber strength.</font>
<p><font size=3>For pruning to be effective, knots or detects resulting
from them must cause significant product downgrade. Sawing trials of unpruned
trees by CSIRO (<i>E. globulus</i>) and Queensland DPI (<i>E. cloeziana</i>)
confirm that knots are the worst grade-limiting defect affecting both appearance
and structural grade sawn timber from eucalypt plantations. Waugh and Yang
(1994) of CSIRO actually concluded that, because of knots, "there
appeared to be little commercial opportunity for appearance products"
from eucalypt plantations in Tasmania.</font>
<p><font size=3>Sawing trials involving pruned (and spaced) trees suggest
that pruning can dramatically enhance sawlog quality in most species including
eucalypts (when not prone to excessive kino gum) and softwoods (when not
predisposed to large resin pockets). Milling of pruned 13 year old <i>E.
globulus</i> in Western Australia and 10 year old E. nitens in Victoria
demonstrated that it was possible to achieve reasonable recoveries of clearwood
sawn timber from quite young trees ignoring kino, pruned <i>E. fastigata</i>
logs produced 30% clears compared to less than 6% for the unpruned top
logs from the same trees in a New Zealand milling trial.</font>
<p><font size=3>The potential for pruning to enhance clearwood production
in <i>Pinus radiata</i> is well-established. For other softwood species
grown in Australia the evidence in favour of pruning is also strong: for
example, 17 year old pruned and thinned <i>Cupressus macrocarpa</i> had
a recovery of high-grade timber from the pruned butt log of 72% compared
to just 13% for the unpruned second log. International research also supports
pruning of deciduous hardwoods like poplar and oak. Once pruned, the next
most significant factor affecting the recovery of clear high-grade timber
in almost all studies was log diameter.</font>
<p><font size=3>Pruning aims to confine branch-related defects to a 'knotty-core'
within the log. The shape and dimensions of this core will impact the recovery
of clearwood in the form of sawn boards or veneer. The nature of occlusion
over a pruned branch stub can lead to an extension of defects beyond the
end of the branch stub. These defects include the inclusion of bark, resin,
gum, stains or irregular grain. A study involving Douglas-fir (<i>Pseudotsuga
menziesii</i>) reported that the Diameter Over Occlusions (DOO) can be
significantly larger than the Diameter Over stubs (DOS) if the pruned branches
are large or if pruning cuts are not smooth. Based on many years of research
it has been suggested that in New Zealand the DOO in Pinus radiata will
be about 3cm larger than the DOS if pruned as recommended.</font>
<p><font size=3>It is often assumed that forest growers who prune will
be paid a premium price for their logs. Pruning of hoop pine (<i>Araucaria
cunninghamii</i>) in Queensland has been traditionally driven by a steep
price gradient that sees the royalty on a cubic metre of log increase almost
in direct proportion to the log diameter with a premium of around 50% for
pruned logs. The price gradient for <i>P. radiata</i> across the country
is similar, but due to the limited supply, the premium for prune logs is
less clear. In New South Wales, premiums of as much as 100% are suggested.
In New Zealand, despite a drop in pine log prices off their highs of the
late 1990s, the premium for pruned logs is still around 60% on the domestic
market and close to 100% for export logs. Unfortunately, the nature of
any price gradients for diameter or premium for unpruned plantation logs
of eucalypts in Australia can only be predicted from the results of sawmill
studies. However, based on native forest prices for veneer logs a premium
of at least 30% for pruning alone seems realistic at this stage.</font>
<p><font size=3>There is a risk that substitutes, such as medium density
fiberboard (MDF), or intensive processing methods (such as finger jointing)
will reduce the demand, and hence the premium, paid for clearwood logs.
Finger jointing in pine costs about $170/cubic metre of sawn dried timber.
If related back to the log, this suggests that the processor could afford
to pay an additional $40 or so for pruned logs (assuming a sawn recovery
of 50% or which 50% was knot-free). Finger jointing results in a 'manufactured'
appearance and MDF is simply not a 'solid wood product'.</font>
<p><font size=3><b><br>
The silvicultural options facing forest owners</b></font>
<p><font size=3>(a) No pruning and the used of competition to promote "self-pruning."
The dead branches are commonly held on the tree for many years after they
die. The competition necessary to induce self-pruning also suppresses diameter
growth - hence the need for a longer rotation.</font>
<p><font size=3>(b) No pruning with heavy thinning to promote diameter
growth. Results in large diameter and large branches - hence low quality
<p><font size=3>(c) Pruning without heavy thinning. Results in knotty core
control and a high timber volume per hectare, but competition suppresses
diameter growth - hence the need for a longer rotation.</font>
<p><font size=3>(d) Pruning with heavy early thinning to minimise competition.
Results in knotty core control, large diameter - maximum clearwood production
in the shortest time but at the cost of total volume per hectare and the
quality of the unpruned portion of the tree.</font>
<p><font size=3><b><br>
Pruning can halve your rotation time</b></font>
<p><font size=3>If diameter growth can be enhanced, the rotation time required
to produce a high quality saw or veneer log can be reduced. In unpruned
plantations it is knot size and distribution that makes it impossible to
take advantage of the rapid diameter growth rates that are possible when
trees are open grown. Pruning allows forest owners to space their trees
in a way that stimulates diameter growth up to the point at which other
problems, such as tree form, wood quality or low volume production per
hectare, become a concern.</font>
<p><font size=3>In the northern hemisphere, where growth rates are very
slow, the results can be dramatic. One Canadian report goes as far as to
say: "pruning is the only way to produce clear wood in rotations of
less than 100 years". In England, the rotation age for oak sawlogs
can be reduced by as much as 60 years (from 150 to 90 years) using quite
conservative thinning regimes and pruning - without having a significant
effect on wood quality.</font>
<p><font size=3>Many authors report similarly dramatic reductions in rotations
for plantations of eucalypts, including for <i>E. nitens</i> in Tasmania,
<i>E. fastigata</i> in New Zealand, many eastern state temperate species
in Western Australia and a range of sub-tropical eucalypts in Queensland.
Richard Moore has achieved average diameters of 53 cm (E. divers color)
and 57 cm (<i>E. globulus</i>) within 19 years following early pruning
and thinning to 150 st/ha. Pruned <i>E. fastigata</i> grown in N.Z. at
a stocking of just 76 st/ha grew to a mean diameter of over 65 cm in 29
years. When these and other research results are compared with publicly
available data from unpruned eucalypt plantations held at stockings sufficient
to control early branch development the difference is stark.</font>
<p><font size=3>Achieving a large diameter is more critical in eucalypt
sawlogs than it is for pine. As well as increasing the width of the clearwood
zone, diameter growth dramatically reduces the impact of growth stresses,
and allows quarter-sawing techniques (often essential to reduce drying
degrade) to be used effectively. A minimum diameter overbark of 60 cm is
often recommended. Because of the intolerance of eucalypts to competition
this will require much lower final stocking rates. This has a bearing on
the number of trees requiring pruning.</font>
<p><font size=3>Controlling competition between trees (thinning) is an
important aspect of pruning. Although a high initial tree stocking can
improve growth and form by providing 'mutual shelter', at some point the
competition will begin to dramatically reduce diameter growth and therefore
the benefits of pruning. If some of the trees have been left unpruned in
anticipation of a future commercial thinning, these 'followers' can end
up outcompeting the pruned trees suppressing their growth even further.
This concern has led some researchers to recommend limiting the severity
of pruning to ensure it does not affect growth rates. In less tolerant
species, like most eucalypts, severe competition can occur within conventional
plantations (established at over 800 st/ha) within the first 4 or 5 years
of growth when the basal area may be as low as 10m2/ha. This suggests the
prospects of a commercial thinning for pulp or small logs part way through
the rotation are remote.</font>
<p><font size=3><b><br>
Pruning may make it viable to harvest</b></font>
<p><font size=3>Although automated harvesting equipment removes branches
in a single motion, delimbing remains one of the most significant costs
associated with manual harvesting. In fact, manual harvesting may be cost
competitive against automated harvesting when log diameters are large,
the trees well spaced and butt logs are pruned. This is important since
scale of production is a critical factor in attracting automated harvesting
equipment and may represent an obstacle to the viability of plantations
less than about 20 hectares.</font>
<p><font size=3>Another argument in favour of pruning is the increased
flexibility it offers in light of uncertain future timber markets. If the
species is appropriate, large diameter pruned logs are suitable for almost
all timber product options from veneer down to woodchips. They are also
suitable for milling across a wide range of processing methods. For example,
small diameter eucalypt logs require specialized line bar carriage systems
to counteract growth stresses during milling whereas large logs are suitable
for most types of mills including small portable mills. This alone may
be a critical marketing advantage for the forest grower in that it increases
the number of potential buyers and may allow them to undertake their own
value adding.</font>
<p><font size=3>The common alternative to pruning is maintaining high initial
stocking rates to control branch development then undertaking a commercial
thinning operation to release the stand. Many, if not most, private plantation
owners have had problems finding a market for thinnings and suitable contractors
to do the work resulting in the stands being left unthinned for far longer
than desired. Direct regimes, involving pruning and thinning, have far
more harvest age flexibility: if markets cannot be found at any particular
time growers can wait without placing the plantation under intense stress
or risking stand stability.</font>
<p><font size=3><b><br>
Pruning enhances non-timber values</b></font>
<p><font size=3>Pruned forests, because they can be widely spaced, provide
the opportunity to incorporate other values into the design, such as a
native understorey for biodiversity or low shelter; pasture for grazing;
or even a second commercial tree crop such as bush foods. It may also be
possible to begin the next timber rotation prior to the harvest of the
first. For example, in north Queensland farmers are successfully under
a pruned canopy of wide spaced <i>E. grandis</i>. The same can be done
with pine under eucalypts in the southern states.</font>
<p><font size=3>Pruning to reduce the fire risk was once common practice
in Australian pine plantations. Pruning removes the "ladder"
of fuel required to maintain a travelling canopy fire. If fuel levels on
the ground can be kept down during the fire season by grazing or other
methods, then the risk of tree damage may be minimal. Because wind speeds
drive the rate of spread of a fire, and hence its intensity, closely grazed
pruned plantations can actually form an effective firebreak.</font>
<p><font size=3><b><br>
The negatives of pruning</b></font>
<p><font size=3>Pruning is an expensive, time-consuming and labour demanding
job that adds to the already heavy up-front costs associated with plantation
forestry. It is a job that must be done 'on-time' to the extent that missing
just one year may result in the plantation being worth less than had it
never been pruned at all. Ensuring forests are pruned on time, every time
has created real problems for industrial and small forest owners alike.</font>
<p><font size=3>High pruning may also increase the risk of wind throw due
to the increased exposure and the greater development of heartwood in the
stem. Increased light at ground level can exacerbate weed growth increasing
the fire hazard, encouraging noxious weeds and making plantations difficult
to access. In addition, there is the risk of decay or disease resulting
from pruning and the uncertainty as to whether there will be a premium
for pruned logs come harvest time. All this comes on top of the many environmental
and market risks of any form of commercial tree growing.</font>
<p><font size=3>These problems simply highlight the need to take care to
ensure that the silvicultural regimes adopted match the particular site,
grower and market opportunities. There are no short cuts - if growers are
to maximise the benefits that pruning can offer, they must understand how
pruning affects tree growth and wood quality, be aware of the various pruning
methods and strategies available, and be able to make well-informed decisions
about when and how to prune.</font>
<p><font size=3><b>REFERENCES</b></font>
<p><font size=3>Please see the original article for extensive references
and in-text citations. </font>
<p><font size=3><b>ORIGINAL SOURCE</b></font>
<p><font size=3>This article was excerpted with the kind permission of
the author from:</font>
<p><font size=3>Reid, Rowan. 2002. The Principles and Practice of Pruning.
Australian Forest Grower, Special Liftout No. 60. Vol. 25, No. 2. <http://www.mtg.unimelb.edu.au/publications/AFGLiftout%20no%202.pdf></font>
<p><font size=3><b>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</b></font>
<p><font size=3>Rowan Reid (B. For. Sci., M. For. Sci.) is a Senior Lecturer
in Agroforestry and Farm Forestry at the University of Melbourne and the
developer of the Australian Master TreeGrower Program (MTG). More than
80 MTG programs have been conducted across Australia involving more than
1600 farmers. In 2000 the program was awarded the $10000 Eureka Prize for
excellence in environmental education. Rowan is also a tree grower himself
and has recently made furniture out of 16-year-old eucalypt trees he planted
and managed on his Otway Ranges farm. He can be reached at: Rowan Reid,
Senior Lecturer, Agroforestry & Farm Forestry, Department of Forest
and Ecosystem Science, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010. Email:
rfr@unimelb.edu.au The Australian Master TreeGrower web site: <http://www.mtg.unimelb.edu.au>.</font>
<p><font size=3><b>WEB LINKS</b></font>
<p><font size=3>The Australian Master TreeGrower (MTG) Program is an educational
program for landholders interested in the development of farm forestry:
<p><font size=3>An Australian Master TreeGrower publication, Design Principles
for Farm Forestry: A guide to assist farmers to decide to place trees and
farm plantations on farms: <http://www.mtg.unimelb.edu.au/publications/design.htm></font>
<p><font size=3>University of Hawai'i's College of Tropical Agriculture
and Human Resources' Hawai'i Forestry Extension has extensive resources
for farm forestry: <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/forestry></font>
<p><font size=3>Mississippi State University Extension Service offers "Forest
Management Alternatives For Private Landowners" and other extension
materials for prospective farm foresters at: <http://msucares.com/forestry/index.html></font>
<p><font size=3>Choosing Timber Species for Pacific Island Agroforestry
discusses seven steps for choosing timber species that meet the project
goals, product requirements, and environmental conditions for farm forestry:
<p><font size=3>Economics of Farm Forestry: Financial Evaluation for Landowners
introduces strategies for determining the financial returns of small-scale
forestry and farm forestry: <http://agroforestry.net/afg/book.html></font>
<p><font size=3>Financial Analysis for Tree Farming in Hawaii, is a guide
for tree farmers in calculating economic costs and benefits of timber plantations.
The pamphlet explains how to compare current costs of establishing plantations
with anticipated future timber harvests: <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/forestry/links.html#econ></font>
<p><font size=3>Silvopastoral publication by the USDA National Agroforestry
<p><font size=3>University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry silvopasture<br>
introduction: <http://www.centerforagroforestry.org/practices/sp.asp>.</font>
<p><font size=3><b>RELATED EDITIONS OF THE OVERSTORY</b></font>
<p><font size=3>The Overstory #200--The art of farm silviculture <br>
The Overstory #190--Silvopasture<br>
The Overstory #177--Ten percent multipurpose tree cover for every farm<br>
The Overstory #121--Getting Started in Farm Forestry<br>
The Overstory #112--Farm Forestry Extension<br>
The Overstory #98--Integrating Forestry into Farms<br>
The Overstory #88 - Revegetation Planning for Farm Forestry<br>
The Overstory #73--Buffers, Common-Sense Conservation<br>
The Overstory #67--Optimising Commercial Timber Potential for Farm Forestry<br>
The Overstory #59--Choosing Species for Timber Production and Multiple<br>
The Overstory #56--Integrating Understory and Tree Crops<br>
The Overstory #48--Farm Forestry<br>
<p><font size=3><b>Conference announcement</b></font>
<p><font size=3>The 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry will be held in<br>
Nairobi, Kenya, 20-29 August 2009. The overall Congress theme is<br>
"Agroforestry - The Future of Global Land Use". For the latest
visit <http://www.worldagroforestry.org/wca2009/>.</font>
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Editor: Craig R. Elevitch</font>
<p><font size=3>Distributor:<br>
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