<p>Dear MPWG</p>
<p>We'd like to announce a 2 day weekend program to be offered at your place of choice - 'Weaving Herbs into (Y)our Nursing Practice'. It is intended for nurses (LPN, RN, NP) as well as the herbalist and natural healers who wish to integrate Botanicals and the nursing model in their practice.
<br><br>As many of us already know, the use of herbs in our culture has grown astronomically over the last few years. As registered nurses and herbalists who use traditional herbal preparations in our practices, we are very pleased to share our hands-on, educational workshop with holistic wellness seekers. Our program weaves together traditional herbal practices with science, research and the conventional medical model.
<br><br>Our purpose is twofold. First, to shed the fears that western practitioners and health care workers have about herbal safety and efficacy. Secondly, we'd like to help pave the way for the introduction and safe use of practical botanical applications in various therapeutic settings such as acute and chronic care, clinic, private practice and home visiting health care.
<br><br>One question we are often asked is how we personally integrate time-honored and evidence-based herbal therapies into our practices? We do this using the nursing process: nursing interventions, diagnosis and theory. Which is then weaved in with sound, centuries old traditional methods of healing. Resulting in a rewarding patient - healer exchange. Bringing in freedom of choice for patient, with optimal education and safety teaching provided by the nurse or health practitioner.
<br><br>Our program syllabus is in an attachment. Please take a few moments to review it. We're confident our program will enrich your practice or curriculum. If you would like additional information, please contact us at
<a href="mailto:TheHerbalNurses@gmail.com"><u><font color="#008000">TheHerbalNurses@gmail.com</font></u></a> or call us by phone. </p></div>
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<div><br>Bonnie Kavanagh, R.N., Herbalist<br>Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower, R.N., Herbalist<br>TheHerbalNurses<br>10517 Turnpike Rd. <br>East Meredith, NY 13757<br>(607) 278-9635 </div>