Dear Group Members,<br><br> Here is list articles appeared in Ecoport last week, You are invited to go through it.<br><br>Is Stevia a part of detailed scientific report on Type II Diabetes?<br><br><br>It’s not so easy to suggest Herb based recommendations.<br><br><br>Research on integrated use of drugs belonging to different systems of medicine: A need of hour.<br><br><br>That’s why obnoxious weed Parthenium is added in herbal combinations used in treatment of Type II Diabetes and associated diseases.<br><br><br>Its time to gain from Rice not to blame
it.<br><br><br>New experiences while writing detailed scientific report on Type II Diabetes in Ecoport.<br><br> <br> About all, I am missing during preparation of scientific report on Type II Diabetes.<br><br><br><br>Other articles<br><br>*Hurdles and Problems coming while preparation of detailed scientific report on Type II Diabetes. Part- I.<br><br>*Details of short visit to Biodiversity rich Bootigarh region of Indian state Chhattisgarh.<br><br><br>regards<br>Pankaj Oudhia<br><br><p>
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