Dear Group Members,<br><br>As you know, I am India based researcher engaged in documentation of traditional medicinal knowledge about medicinal herbs and insects. These days I am documenting traditional medicinal knowledge related to Diabetes Type II. Here is link of weekly schedules that are important part of my detailed scientific report. At present there are over 31,000 weekly schedules on-line. It is less than one third of total number of schedules (i.e. over 100,000). If I work 10-12 hours daily (both off-line and on-line) then it seems the complete work will be online up to April, 2009. When anyone tries to open the list of these over 31,000 schedules the Ecoport server stops working. That is why at present Ecoport is showing only 500 results through direct links. <br> <br><a
href=""></a><br><br>So, please try these links and see tables after table no. 2543 to 33534 and more.<br> <br><a href=""><br></a><br><a href=""><br></a><br>It may take sometime to open. <br><br>Keep visiting this link as new tables are added daily. This report is having over
20,000 pictures of herbs and related aspects used in these schedules. Details regarding collection of herbs, methods to enrich it with medicinal properties before collection through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge, differences in opinion regarding doses, uses and time etc. are main features of this scientific report. This knowledge is collected through interactions with over 6,000 Traditional Healers, Herb Collectors, Herb Traders, Herb Vendors, Farmers, Senior Natives etc. with much inputs based on my experiences. <br><br>This work is on-line only due to Ecoport specially due to Ecoport supervisor Dr. Tonie Putter, although it seems that they are technically unable to accommodate more schedules. But technical team of Ecoport is trying to handle this voluminous contribution. <br><br>All this documentation is in progress without any financial as well as technical help from anyone. If you are aware of other databases able to handle such schedules more efficiently
than Ecoport please guide me as after completing this work I will start documentation on traditional medicinal knowledge on heart diseases and cancer.<br><br>regards<br>Pankaj Oudhia <br><p>
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