<H1><FONT size=2>Below please find a passage on this herb. I would be very interested to know more about this herb, whether it indeed improves brain function, etc. </FONT></H1> <div>Thank you,</div> <div>Marjorie Nieh</div> <H1>Bacopa herb - Memory and alertness</H1> <div><IMG height=154 alt="bacopa monniera monnieri herb for brain and memory" hspace=15 src="http://www.herbalprovider.com/imgs/nimages/bacopa.jpg" width=100 align=right><B>Bacopa</B> (Latin name: <I>Bacopa Monnieri</I>) is a classic brain and nervine tonic included in the "Brahmi" category of herbs, which are those that benefit both the mind and spirit and improve the intellect and consciousness. Bacopa assists in heightening mental acuity and supports the physiological processes involved in relaxation.</div> <div>Bacopa is considered the main rejuvenating herb for nerve and brain cells and, therefore, has played a very important role in Ayurvedic therapies for the treatment of cognitive
disorders of aging. Countless studies have shown Brahmi helps improve protein activity and protein synthesis, especially in brain cells, which can increase intelligence, longevity and memory and decrease senility and aging. It has tranquilizing effects but, unlike synthetic sedatives which often have side effects of dulling the mind, it actually improves mental clarity. It is also used as an anti-anxiety agent, to calm restlessness in children, and to cure several mental disorders. It is most commonly used as a nervine tonic that enhances learning and academic performance, improves mental aletness, and sharpens short-term and long-term memory.</div><p>
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