<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">No time to read as yet - curious to
know how it addresses plant issues....<br>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">For full notice, see: </font><font size=2><tt>http://epa.gov/EPA-SPECIES/2006/June/Day-22/
[Federal Register: June 22, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 120)]<br>
[Page 35927-35928]<br>
>From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]<br>
Fish and Wildlife Service<br>
Notice of Availability of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation <br>
Plan and Environmental Assessment for San Joaquin River National <br>
Wildlife Refuge<br>
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.<br>
ACTION: Notice of availability.<br>
SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces that a
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment <br>
(Draft CCP/EA) for San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge)
is available for review and comment. This Draft CCP/EA, prepared <br>
pursuant to the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act, as
amended, and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, describes <br>
the Service's proposal for managing the Refuge for the next 15 years. <br>
The draft compatibility determinations for several public uses are also
available for review with the Draft CCP/EA.<br>
DATES: Written comments must be received at the address below by July <br>
24, 2006.<br>
ADDRESSES: Comments on the Draft CCP/EA should be addressed to: Kim <br>
Forrest, Project Leader, San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, <br>
947-C West Pacheco Boulevard, Los Banos, California 93635. Comments may
also be submitted via electronic mail to <A HREF="mailto:FW8PlanComments@fws.gov">FW8PlanComments@fws.gov</A>.
Please type ``San Joaquin River CCP'' in the subject line.<br>
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Kim Forrest, Project Leader, San Joaquin
River National Wildlife Refuge, 947-C West Pacheco Boulevard, Los <br>
Banos, California 93635 or Mark Pelz, Chief, Refuge Planning, CA/NV <br>
Operations Office, 2800 Cottage Way, W-1832, Sacramento, CA 95825, <br>
phone (916) 414-6500.<br>
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Copies of the Draft CCP/EA may be obtained <br>
by writing to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Attn: Mark Pelz, CA/<br>
NV Refuge Planning Office, 2800 Cottage Way, W-1832, Sacramento, CA <br>
95825. Copies of the Draft CCP/EA may be viewed at this address or at <br>
San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, 947-C West Pacheco <br>
Boulevard, Los Banos, CA. The Draft CCP/EA will also be available for <br>
viewing and downloading online at <A HREF="http://www.fws.gov/pacific/planning">http://www.fws.gov/pacific/planning</A>.
Printed documents will also be available for review at the following <br>
libraries: Los Banos Branch Library, 1312 7th St, Los Banos, CA 93635;
and Modesto Library 1500 ``I'' Street, Modesto, CA 95354.<br>
The San Joaquin River NWR was established in 1987 primarily
to <br>
protect and manage wintering habitat for Aleutian Canada geese, a <br>
federally listed endangered species. Since that time, the Refuge's <br>
focus has expanded to include protecting other sensitive species and <br>
restoring natural habitats and ecological processes. This Refuge and <br>
its management have been important factors in the recovery of the <br>
Aleutian Canada goose and its removal in 2001 from the Threatened and <br>
Endangered Species List. The Refuge is Located just west of Modesto, <br>
Purpose and Need for Action<br>
The purpose of the CCP is to provide a coherent, integrated
set of <br>
management actions to help attain the Refuges' establishing purposes, <br>
and vision, goals, and objectives. The CCP identifies the Refuges' role
in support of the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System and <br>
describes the Service's management actions.<br>
The Draft CCP/EA identifies and evaluates four alternatives
for <br>
managing the Refuge for the next 15 years. The proposed action is to <br>
implement Alternative D as described in the EA. Alternative D best <br>
achieves the Refuges' purposes, vision, and goals; contributes to the <br>
Refuge System mission; addresses the significant issues and relevant <br>
mandates; and is consistent with principles of sound fish and wildlife
In Alternative A (No Action), existing management programs,
which <br>
focus on Aleutian Canada goose, would continue unchanged. The Service <br>
would also continue the current visitor services program, which is <br>
limited to wildlife photography and observation from a<br>
[[Page 35928]]<br>
platform. Management for the benefit of Aleutian Canada geese is also <br>
central to the other three Alternatives. However, they also expand <br>
Refuge management for the benefit of additional wildlife and habitats.
Alternative B places greater emphasis on wetland restoration and <br>
management and would expand visitor services for all priority public <br>
uses, including fishing and hunting. Alternative C focuses on <br>
restoration and management of riparian habitats and providing non-<br>
consumptive wildlife-dependant recreation opportunities. Alternative D,
the preferred alternative, includes a balance of wetland and riparian <br>
restoration and management and expands opportunities for all priority <br>
public uses, including fishing and hunting.<br>
Public Comments<br>
After the review and comment period ends for this Draft CCP/EA,
comments will be analyzed by the Service and addressed in the Final <br>
CCP. All comments received from individuals, including names and <br>
addresses, become part of the official public record and may be <br>
released. Requests for such comments will be handled in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act, the Council on Environmental Quality's
NEPA regulations and other Service and Departmental policies and <br>
Dated: June 16, 2006.<br>
Ken McDermond,<br>
Acting Manager, California/Nevada Operations, Sacramento, California.<br>
[FR Doc. E6-9848 Filed 6-21-06; 8:45 am]<br>
BILLING CODE 4310-55-P<br>