<div align=center>
<br><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b>Research Grant Program</b></font>
<br><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b>To Strengthen Wildlife Habitat
Protection Launched</b></font></div>
<br><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b> </b></font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">The first Requests for Proposals
(RFPs) by the new <b>Wildlife Habitat Policy Research Program</b> (WHPRP)
will be issued on June 12, 2006 by the National Council for Science and
the Environment (NCSE). The RFPs will be posted on the WHPRP website
(</font><a href=http://www.whprp/><font size=3 color=blue face="Arial"><u>www.whprp.org</u></font></a><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">)
and also distributed via email to the wildlife habitat conservation community
(including this list). The program is supported by a four year grant by
the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF).<br>
Application to the WHPRP is open to everyone and begins with composing
Letters of Intent due to NCSE by July 10, 2006 (see website for instructions.)
Three applicants for each grant will be invited to submit full proposals
to be reviewed by an independent panel of experts, who will evaluate the
technical quality and practical value of each submission, managed by the
American Institute for Biological Sciences (AIBS).<br>
Grants will be made only for the projects specifically defined in the RFPs
and will cover a variety of research areas with the general goal of improving
the basis for implementation of the statutory State Wildlife Action Plans.
Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of this conservation challenge,
the program will support research in law, economics, social sciences, natural
sciences, and public policy. Examples of the RFPs research topics
include:</font><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b><br>
</b></font><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><br>
- Valuation of ecosystem services and estimations of the costs and benefits
of habitat conservation</font><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b><br>
</b></font><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><br>
- Syntheses of what is known about the impacts of climate change on habitat
and wildlife</font><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b><br>
</b></font><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><br>
- Review of the State Wildlife Action Plans to determine the conservation
priorities indicated by them.</font><font size=4 face="Times New Roman"><b><br>
</b></font><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"><br>
In total, the WHPRP will offer about ten RFPs ranging in size from $50,000
to $150,000 to be conducted over 12 months beginning November 1, 2006.<br>
Please distribute this announcement to any colleague you feel may be interested.
If you did not receive this announcement directly and would like
to be added to the WHPRP listserv to ensure you receive our call for proposals,
please contact Christina Zarrella at </font><a href=mailto:czarrella@ncseonline.org><font size=3 color=blue face="Arial"><u>czarrella@ncseonline.org</u></font></a><font size=3 face="Times New Roman">
or 202.207.0007.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>_______________________________________________</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>Christina Zarrella, Program Coordinator</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>National Council for Science and the Environment</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>1707 H Street, NW</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>Suite 200</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>Washington, DC 2006</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>(202) 207-0007 Phone</i></font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><i>(202) 628-4311 Fax</i></font>
<br><font size=3 face="Times New Roman"> </font>