Dear Group members,<BR><BR> As you know Sickle Cell Anaemia is considered as incurble by<BR>modern experts. In my state i.e. Chhattisgarh over 17 percent population is having this<BR>trouble. In different parts the Traditional Healers are trying their<BR>traditional knowledge about herbs and insects to provide relief to<BR>such patients. I have tried to document this knowledge. Very recently<BR>(March-April, 2006) over 50 research articles in this series have<BR>appeared at<BR><A href=""><FONT color=#9136ad></FONT></A><BR><BR>I am putting this information through our group with hope that modern<BR>researchers will come forward to conduct systematic research on these<BR>herbs and herbal formulations after taking the consent of Traditional<BR>Healers (also with their
support).<BR><BR>regards<BR>Pankaj Oudhia<BR><p>
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