<br><font size=2 face="Arial">Articles from the Food Safety Educator's
Network that have relevance in the medicinal plant arena...such as the
definition of the term "healthy!" The full newsletters
can be viewed at: http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/ednet.html.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">Information in this e-mail includes:</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">From January 2006</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">* FDA Allows Barley Products to Claim
Reduction in Risk of Coronary<br>
Heart Disease<br>
* FDA Requests Seizure of More Dietary Supplements Containing<br>
Ephedrine Alkaloids<br>
* "FDA Consumer Magazine," January- February 2006 Issue,
Now Online<br>
* FSIS Issues Notice: "Food Labeling; Nutrient Content Claims,<br>
Definition of the Term: 'Healthy'"- Docket No. 05-033IF, "Federal<br>
Register," Volume 71, Number 7<br>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">From February 2006</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">* FDA's FY 2007 Budget Request Highlights
Mission Priorities and<br>
Fiscal Responsibility<br>
* "FDA Consumer" Magazine - January/February 2006 Issue<br>
* FDA's Science Forum - A Century of FDA Science: Pioneering the<br>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"> * * * * National
Food Safety Educator's Network * * * *<br>
* * * * EdNet-L@foodsafety.gov
* * * *<br>
EdNet is an electronic newsletter from the Food and Drug Administration<br>
(FDA), Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), and
the Centers for<br>
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), providing updates on
food safety<br>
activities to educators and others concerned
about food safety.<br>
EdNet January 2006<br>
* FDA Allows Barley Products to Claim Reduction in Risk of Coronary<br>
Heart Disease<br>
On December 23, 2005, the FDA announced that whole grain barley and<br>
barley-containing products are allowed to claim that they reduce the<br>
risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) as part of its continuing<br>
initiative to provide Americans with the information they need to make<br>
healthy nutritional choices about foods and dietary supplements.<br>
"Promoting health by helping people get better nutrition information<br>
about the foods they eat is among FDA's top priorities, because the<br>
choices that Americans make about their diet have a great impact on<br>
their well-being," said FDA Deputy Commissioner for Medical
Scientific Affairs Scott Gottlieb, MD. For more information, go to:<br>
* FDA Requests Seizure of More Dietary Supplements Containing<br>
Ephedrine Alkaloids<br>
At the request of the FDA, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western<br>
District of Pennsylvania filed a Complaint for Forfeiture against<br>
Lipodrene, a dietary supplement that contains ephedrine alkaloids.¦ On<br>
January 12, 2006, U.S. Marshals seized the dietary supplement Lipodrene<br>
located at ATF Fitness Products, Inc., in Oakmont, PA.¦ Ephedrine<br>
alkaloids are adrenaline-like stimulants that can have potentially<br>
dangerous effects on the heart.¦ To read additional information on<br>
ephedrine alkaloids, go to:<br>
* "FDA Consumer Magazine," January- February 2006 Issue,
Now Online<br>
The January-February 2006 issue of FDA's bimonthly publication, "FDA<br>
Consumer Magazine," traces the agency's history from the passage of
food and drug laws at the turn of the last century to the challenges<br>
posed today by cutting-edge sciences. To view this publication, go to:<br>
* FSIS Issues Notice: "Food Labeling; Nutrient Content Claims,<br>
Definition of the Term: 'Healthy'"- Docket No. 05-033IF, "Federal<br>
Register," Volume 71, Number 7<br>
On January 11, 2006, FSIS published a "Federal Register" Notice
"Food Labeling; Nutrient Content Claims, Definition of the Term:<br>
'Healthy'." This Notice announces that FSIS regulations will continue
provide that individual meat and poultry products bearing the claim<br>
"healthy" (or any other derivative of the term "health")
must contain no<br>
more than 480 milligrams (mg) of sodium; and that meal-type products<br>
bearing the claim "healthy" (or any other derivative of the term<br>
"health") must contain no more than 600 mg of sodium. The Agency
accepting comments until February 10. To view this Notice:<br>
* Proposed Rule: "Petitions for Rulemaking"-Docket No.
"Federal Register," Volume 71, Number 8<br>
On January 12, 2006, FSIS announced a proposed rule to establish<br>
guidelines for the formal submission of petitions for rulemaking. The<br>
proposed rule will help ensure that all petitions filed with FSIS<br>
contain information that the Agency needs to proceed with its<br>
consideration in a timely manner. This measure will support FSIS'
safety mission by providing for expedited review of petitions that<br>
request actions that are intended to enhance the public health by<br>
removing or reducing potential food safety hazards. Comments must be<br>
received on or before March 13, 2006.<br>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">EdNet February 2006</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">* FDA's FY 2007 Budget Request Highlights
Mission Priorities and<br>
Fiscal Responsibility<br>
The FDA released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 budget request to Congress<br>
totaling $1.95 billion, a 3.8 percent increase over FY 2006. The budget<br>
request reflects FDA's resolve to advance its most critical public<br>
health initiatives within the constraints of the current budget<br>
environment. Carefully developed to safeguard the health of Americans,<br>
the FDA agenda for the next fiscal year is designed to fulfill the<br>
agency's foremost responsibilities and advance the Administration's<br>
public health goals and priorities. The proposed increase of $70.8<br>
million over the current budget will enable FDA to focus its staff and<br>
resources on priority initiatives. To view the priority initiatives, go<br>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial"><br>
* "FDA Consumer" Magazine - January/February 2006
The latest issue of "FDA Consumer" is a special issue devoted
to the<br>
100th anniversary of the signing of the "Pure Food and Drugs Act,"
milestone often viewed as the beginning of what became the Food and Drug<br>
Administration. Articles in the magazine are on these topics:<br>
-- Ensuring safe foods and cosmetics<br>
-- Promoting safe and effective drugs for 100 years<br>
-- FDA law enforcement<br>
-- How cutting-edge science promotes public health<br>
-- Harvey W. Wiley, "the father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act"<br>
-- Animal health and consumer protection<br>
-- The road to the biotech revolution<br>
-- Medical device, radiological health regulations come of age<br>
-- FDA research: foundation for regulatory decisions<br>
-- FDA goes worldwide<br>
The issue is online at:<br>
To subscribe to the print version of "FDA Consumer," go to:<br>
* FDA's Science Forum - A Century of FDA Science: Pioneering the<br>
Future of Public Health<br>
The FDA is holding its annual Science Forum on April 18-20, 2006 at the<br>
Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. The Science Forum<br>
brings together FDA scientists and clinicians with their counterparts in<br>
industry, academia, and government in an informal environment to promote<br>
open discussion of how emerging science and technology can be<br>
effectively applied in support of the FDA's public health mission.<br>
At this Science Forum - the Agency's Centennial -- it is important to<br>
revisit that investment in regulatory science and communicate not only<br>
the tangible results of that investment, but highlight the process by<br>
which that original commitment to high quality scientific achievement<br>
will translate into the future of science at FDA. In addition to plenary<br>
lectures on innovation and public health preparedness, the Science Forum<br>
features a large number of general sessions, a poster session, and a lay<br>
public session.<br>
Program sessions will feature presentations by top experts from FDA,<br>
industry, academia, and other Department of Health and Human Services<br>
components. Session topics include medical product development, new<br>
challenges in public health, cutting edge technology, food and<br>
cosmetics, quantitative approaches to regulation, and a perspective on<br>
FDA science at the Centennial.<br>
The 2006 FDA Science Forum offers a valuable opportunity for industry<br>
and academia to learn about FDA's science programs, collaborative<br>
opportunities, and regulatory priorities. For additional information
registration, the preliminary program, and submitting abstracts see<br>
FDA's Science Forum Centennial home page at:<br>
Interested readers can access EdNet newsletters archived since October<br>
1997 from the Web site:</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/ednet.html<br>
Web Page Addresses of the EdNet Federal Sponsors:<br>
- FDA/CFSAN: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/<br>
- USDA/FSIS: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/<br>
- CDC/NCID: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/ncid.htm<br>
Feedback (comments or suggestions on this issue) contact<br>
Peggy Barrow <Peggy.Barrow@cfsan.fda.gov> and<br>
Argyris Magoulis <Argyris.Magoulas@fsis.usda.gov><br>
Subscription problems, contact<br>
Diane Schmit <dms@foodsafety.gov><br>
LISTSERV commands (send all commands to LISTSERV@FOODSAFETY.GOV):<br>
- To subscribe, send "SUBSCRIBE EDNET-L YOUR NAME".<br>
- To unsubscribe, send "SIGNOFF EDNET-L".<br>
- To get the list of EdNet files available, send "INDEX EDNET-L".<br>
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