<div>Dear Kohli ji,</div> <div> </div> <div> Although our Traditional Healers are not aware of this trouble by name but on the basis of symptoms they can suggest some herbal treatments. I will put it in simple words among them as next week I am visiting to them. If possible please furnish little more information about the patient.</div> <div> </div> <div>regards</div> <div>Pankaj Oudhia<BR><BR><B><I>rabiah al nur <rabiah_sol@hotmail.com></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"> <DIV> <div><BR><BR></div> <DIV> <DIV class=RTE> <div><BR><BR></div></DIV> <div>i asked my sister to translate just to be sure we are not missing anything, no offense meant</div> <div>rabiah<BR><BR><BR>Rabiah Al Nur </div> <DIV></DIV>Spring of Light <DIV></DIV>rabiah_sol@hotmail.com <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT:
5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #a0c6e5 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 11px; FONT-FAMILY: tahoma,sans-serif"> <HR color=#a0c6e5 SIZE=1> <DIV></DIV>From: <I>Habiba Herbert </I><BR>To: <I>"rabiah al nur" <rabiah_sol@hotmail.com></I><BR>Subject: <I>Re: could you translate please</I><BR>Date: <I>Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:57:51 -0800</I><BR>Rabiah,<BR><BR>I have translated this to the best of my ability but I have also sent it to my friend Cathy to be sure I haven't made any critical errors in translating. Basically, it appears that Francisco has a progressive neurological disorder (sounds like Multiple Sclerosis???) for which he has been told there is no traditional cure. He is desperate since physical labor is the only way he is able to make a living. He is begging for help or advice. My heart is sad for him. I hope you can guide him in the right
direction. Translation below.<BR><BR>BIG HUG!<BR><BR>Habiba<BR><BR><BR>I was told to ask your advice or a treatment because I have visited many places and have not found a solution for the illness I have been diagnosed with 10 yrs ago (infermity of Charcot-MarieTooth, Type 1, Nerve type) and whose symptoms become more aggravating with time. The problem consists in the loss of "mielina" (coating), to the nerve that loses it covering, deteriorates until there is total destruction. The "esquince" (distention of the ligaments) of the ankle is becoming more frequent and I'm losing feeling and movement in my hands and feet. It is for this reason that I was directed to you to beg for a solution or at least a treatment if one exists. All the specialists I've gone to have said the same thing, that there is no cure for this condition. Every day my plans for the future are unraveling. I give thanks to my family for
supporting in everything but at time the symptoms of the illness take over. There is always work in the field of construction, I don't know how to do anything else. After graduating from school, my parents were unable to afford higher education so I had no other choice than to find work making a living, but the way this illness is advancing, my life is being destroyed little by little. I can't sustain myself if it isn't by physical labor and I have no idea how I will make a humble living. I have always kept a healthy diet and exercised to stay fit and here I am facing this point in the illness taking over and that is why I ask for help to find out whether in the future my life can change for the better or if possible provide me with the name of some treatment so I can survive in this cruel world. Oh, the neurological specialists can't help me because there is no effective cure in traditional medicine. This is why I
send this message to see if anyone can advise or help me establish the equilibrium to the organisms that support the lipoproteins in the veins of the "mielina" that are necessary for proper functioning. With nothing more to add, I sign off attentively begging you for an answer. Cordial Greetings, FDJimenez<BR><BR><BR>A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.<BR>Lao-tzu<BR>On Feb 28, 2006, at 5:11 AM, rabiah al nur wrote:<BR><BR>>ORIGINAL MESSAGE<BR>> <BR>>Me dirijo a usted para pedirles un consejo o un tratamiento ya que <BR>>he visitado muchos sitios y no he encontrado una solución, para la <BR>>enfermedad que me han diagnosticado hace en torno a 10 años <BR>>(enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo1, forma neural), y cuyos <BR>>síntomas se van agravando a medida que va pasando el tiempo. El <BR>>problema consiste en la perdida de mielina, al nervio perder la capa <BR>>que lo cubre, este se va deteriorando hasta su
total destrucción. <BR>>Los esguinces de tobillo son cada vez mas frecuentes, estoy <BR>>perdiendo sensibilidad y motricidad en manos y pies, es por eso por <BR>>lo que me dirijo a ustedes rogándoles una solución, o por lo menos <BR>>un tratamiento si es que lo hay. Todos los especialista a los que he <BR>>acudido me han dicho lo mismo, que no hay tratamiento para esta <BR>>enfermedad, cada día que pasa los planes de futuro de van <BR>>deshaciendo, doy gracias a mi familia que me apoyan en todo pero a <BR>>veces los síntomas de la enfermedad me puede más. Siempre he <BR>>trabajado en el sector de la construcción, no se hacer otra cosa, <BR>>después de sacar el graduado escolar, mis padres no me podían <BR>>económicamente pagar unos estudios y no he tenido mas remedio que <BR>>ponerme a trabajar para ganarme la vida, pero a medida que la <BR>>enfermedad va avanzando, mi vida se va destruyendo, poco a poco, no <BR>>tengo de que mantenerme si
no es por mi esfuerzo físico, que ya no <BR>>se hasta donde podré llegar ganándome el pan humildemente. Siempre <BR>>he llevado una alimentación sana, y el hacer deporte me ha ayudado a <BR>>valerme por mi mismo y así le he plantado cara a esta enfermedad <BR>>pero llegado a este punto la enfermedad me puede más, por eso os <BR>>pido ayuda para ver si en un futuro la vida me puede cambiar a <BR>>mejor, o si fuera posible facilitarme el nombre de algún tratamiento <BR>>para poder subsistir en esta vida cruel. Ahh, los especialistas en <BR>>neurología no me pueden ayudar ya que los tratamientos que hay hasta <BR>>la fecha en la medicina tradicional no son nada efectivos. Hé aquí <BR>>el porqué de este mensaje a ver si alguien me puede aconsejar o <BR>>ayudar a establecer el equilibrio a mi organismo aportándole las <BR>>lipoproteínas a las vainas de mielina necesaria para su correcto <BR>>funcionamiento. Sin nada más que añadir me despido
atentamente <BR>>rogándoles una respuesta Reciba un cordial saludo Francisco Diepa <BR>>Jiménez.<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>>Rabiah Al Nur<BR>>Spring of Light<BR>>rabiah_sol@hotmail.com<BR></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></DIV>_______________________________________________<BR>PCA's Medicinal Plant Working Group mailing list<BR>MPWG@lists.plantconservation.org<BR>http://lists.plantconservation.org/mailman/listinfo/mpwg_lists.plantconservation.org<BR><BR>To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to MPWG-request@lists.plantconservation.org with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.<BR><BR>Disclaimer <BR>Any advice given on this list regarding diagnosis or treatments etc. reflects ONLY the opinion of the individual who posts the message. The information contained in posts is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice relative to your specific medical condition or question. All medical and other healthcare information that is discussed on this list
should be carefully reviewed by the individual reader and their qualified healthcare professional. Posts do not reflect any official opinions or positions of the Plant Conservation Alliance. </BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p>
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