The Fourth Annual Catskill Mountain Ginseng and Medicinal Herb Festival
will be held this year on Sunday, October 9<sup>th</sup> (Columbus Day
Weekend) at The Historic Catskill Point in Catskill, New York from 10AM
to 5 PM Admission is $4.00 at the gate. Join us and learn all
sorts of interesting stuff such as how a Registered Nurse is now a using
medicinal herbs to help her patients, how and why the United State Fish
and Wildlife Service has established a Medicinal Plant Working Group and
what they are doing, how a local biochemist stumbled upon a preventive
for migraine headaches using peppermint tea and of course, how you can
evaluate your woodlot and begin to grow American ginseng on your own
property. Enjoy free wild Catskill Mountain ginseng tea flavored with
locally produced honey Purchase the highest quality
wild ginseng available anywhere in North America as well as other herbal
products, honey, wild mushrooms and much more. Stratified (ready to
plant) ginseng seeds and rootlets will also be offered for sale as well
as ginseng books and other resources.<br>
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Greene County and the Heart of Catskill
Association/Catskill Chamber of Commerce are working together to make
this year’s festival even bigger and better. The scope of the
festival has been expanded this year to include all herbal remedies and
natural products making this a one of a kind festival in this area. <br>
Our keynote speaker this year at 3 PM will be Rosemary Gladstar. Rosemary
has been a practicing herbalist for 30 years. She has founded
<a href="http://cshs.com">the California School of Herbal Studies</a>,
<a href="http://unitedplantsavers.org">United Plant Savers</a>,
co-founded <a href="http://www.sagemtnherbproducts.com/">Sage Mountain
Herbs</a>, and is a founding member of the
<a href="http://www.northeastherbal.org/">Northeast Herb Association</a>.
She is the co-director of the International Herb Symposium and The New
England Women’s Herbal Conference.<br>
Rosemary is the author of several books including best seller
<a href="http://www.sagemountain.com/2005/modules.php?op=modload&name=Osc&file=index&surl=/2005/oscStore/product_info.php?products_id=5">
Herbal Healing for Women</a> and the newly released
<a href="http://www.sagemountain.com/2005/modules.php?op=modload&name=books&file=index&req=view_cat&cid=1">
Gladstar</a> Family Herbal. She has taught herbs extensively throughout
the U.S. and has led travel adventures worldwide. Her experience includes
over 30 years in the herbal community as a healer, teacher, visionary and
organizer of herbal events.<br>
There will also be demonstrations on how to make some easy to prepare
herbal products.<br>
For more information contact the Heart of Catskill, at (518) 943- 0989
email <a href="mailto:hoca@mhonline.net">hoca@mhonline.net</a> or Bob
Beyfuss (518) 622-9820
<a href="mailto:rlb14@cornell.edu">rlb14@cornell.edu</a><br>