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<P>for more info </P>
<P><A title=http://www.africanmedicine.info/ href="javascript:ol('http://www.africanmedicine.info/');"><FONT color=#000099>www.africanmedicine.info</FONT></A><BR><BR></P>
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<TD class=pagetitle align=middle><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Page Title" -->About the Conference<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></TD></TR><!-- ************** BODY STARTS HERE *********** -->
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<P>This international conference will be convened in Washington D.C. from July 6th through 9th, 2005 to explore the uniqueness, wealth and complexity of African traditional medicines, and their potential role in addressing some of the crucial health challenges of our times. </P>
<DIV align=center><A href="http://www.gwumc.edu/cehp/pdf/africaregform.pdf" target=blank><B>Click here</A> to open and print a registration form in PDF format.</B></DIV>
<P>As the world faces an unprecedented crisis of new and re-emerging diseases, which threatens to cripple entire communities, it is reasonable that the biomedical community access as many resources and partners as possible to tackle these challenges. One of the resources that may be overlooked or at least underestimated is the contribution that traditional medicine and healers may offer at many levels of health care delivery. </P>
<P>The term "traditional medicine" refers to practices and knowledge that existed before the arrival of modern conventional medicine that were used to promote, maintain and restore health and well-being. Worldwide, people developed unique indigenous healing traditions adapted and defined by their culture, beliefs and environment which satisfied the health needs of communities over centuries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 80 % of the population in developing and poor countries use traditional practitioners and medicines for their primary health care needs. Traditional healers provide culturally sensitive care and can often offer affordable as well as sustainable solutions and resources.</P>
<P>With the longest history of healing in the world, African traditional health knowledge has spread through time, space and cultures maintaining a unique and distinctive character. For centuries, and even today, these traditional systems of health continue to provide effective care to the vast majority of people of Africa, as well as to peoples throughout the Americas and the Caribbean Region.</P>
<P>Through a comprehensive presentation of national and international case-studies and examples, this conference will focus on two key questions to evaluate African traditional healing practices in the context of delivering affordable, sustainable and culturally-sensitive care:</P>
<P>1. What can African traditional medicines contribute to the prevention and control of infectious and chronic diseases, and how can such contributions be validated and enhanced? </P>
<P>2. What roles can traditional African health knowledge play in addressing issues of health disparities and equity, both at home and abroad, and how can these roles be enhanced?</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>If you would like to have a registration form mailed to you, please submit your</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>Rabiah Al Nur
<DIV></DIV>Spring of Light