<html><body><font style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;" size="2"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">I
understand that we are supposed to subject-line our replies to
particular posts, rather than "digest No. 000"; however, this whole
digest has me dancing around like a dog on an anthill! I too am a
grower and wildcrafter, a wildgardener. an organic
(although, along with many other truly organic U.S folk, I shun
the title, now that the government "owns" it. Many of us prefer
the title, "Natural") grower, gardener. <br>
I work hard to propagate the at risk medicinal and traditionally useful
(Native Nations) plants, both in the wildgardens and in nursery plots
in the garden. I plant out, protect, wildcraft, forage, and harvest
domestically grown medicinal plants. I work to increase the
awareness of the locals about the incredible diversity and botanical
heritage this area holds- and help as I can to get them to repopulate
this area with that heritage as it can be done. I go after plant
poachers with the same dedication and bad attitude I use with
animal poachers.<br>
I also grow heirloom veggies exclusively. I have been fighting gmo in
GMO Central (South Central Iowa), even to the damage of personal
property- as in, a local farmer shooting my pickup while I had my son
hide in the bathtub to protect him from any new targets, such as my
house. <br>
I'm in the trenches, folk. I am a peon that scrapes by, learns,
observes (as Fukuoka and Hazelip helped us learn to do), puts myself
and my livelihood on the line. I do this while raising and learning
from a son with autism, working for the Autism Resource Team as Parent
Rep, writing, raising my bosses' chukars and working dogs, along
with taking care of grounds, machinery, and customers. Frankly,
I'm pretty proud of myself. I feel Ihave much to offer, and a
perspective not normally found here. <br>
This digest has been sitting for a while uopened in my mailbox,
simply because I had no reason to think that any kind of a timely reply
from me would be called for. Now, I'm a bit sorry I put this on the
lurker's list. I'm afraid that by now, unless I include the whole
digest (don't worry, I won't. I also own and moderate a few groups, and
feel the need to remind others to trim their quotes on occasion- just
good netiquette!), that what I am speaking to will be forgotten. <br>
{Yep, it's the deb, fellow members of the other groups! <G>}<br>
I have lurked here for a long, long time. I had asked a question or two
long ago, brought up a couple of ideas and concerns. I have
lurked since, mostly because it truly seemed that when I tried to ask a
practical question, speak to a practical issue, I was spoken to
offlist, asked for information offlist, given resources offlist, and
the subject died onlist. That, to me, defeats much of the purpose of
such a list or group: networking. Sharing of information and resources
between a group of people who are interested in the same general
topics. It truly seemed what I had to say or ask was not a slant of
this group. Fine for a person privately, but the group itself
seemed for acadamia, commercial concerns, and those who publish. Is
this true? Am I being too giddy, and overlooking the obvious conclusion
of my experience?<br>
I am trying, myself, to be a growing commercial concern. I
am also futhering my academic and experiential knowledge. I have
few physical resources, with the exception of access to many acres of
privately owned (not by me) ecosystems to plant in and harvest from;
but am growing a bit each year. I do not mix those commercial
concerns with any of my discussion lists or groups not directly set up
for same. I don't use a signature block. <br>
There was quite a fascinating discussion a while back, and I had
started to add my 2 cents to it. But, the places where I do know I am
heard, the folk I know do want the information, experience, and
perspective I have to offer, also had things going on. I
prioritized my time and effort to them. I feel I missed out, because I
felt there could have been some good insight for me, not found
elsewhere. To be shamelessly egomaniacal, I also believe this group
missed out. I feel I had some good insight for you, too; not found many
places, and not that I have seen here before.<br>
Ok, so perhaps I, myself, am worthless. <G> It wouldn't be
the first time I was accused of same! It is such a relief, though, to
hear from others that folk such as myself are not to be tossed
post-haste into the Ignorant Farmer/Forager File!<br>
Frankly, to those who claim us growers and wildcraft/harvesters are
isolated and at the end of the education/information chain, Hooey. Come
on up, you might be surprised at the network of support and information
available-from a myriad of sources- that keep us on quite our own
cutting edge. We also lurk, and learn on your cutting edges. We are
practitioners of diversity, after all! {;) <br>
Thank you so much: Jean, Patricia, Anita!<br>
deb <br>
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible". Frank Zappa<br>