<TITLE>FW: AW: [MPWG] Seeking research team</TITLE>
<FONT SIZE="5"><FONT FACE="Times">Iım not sure if my first sending of this message went through, I was watching the Olympics on the same cable as my internet and the first one may have gone to Greece. Sorry for any duplication<BR>
<FONT SIZE="5"><FONT FACE="Times">Dear Wolfgang,<BR>
Thanks for your comments and interest. Your concerns are well taken and for that reason, I've chosen to take our discussion to the group. I hope you don't mind. First, my interests are strictly artistic/academic. If I were interested in economic gain, I never would have left pharmacology for the arts. The support behind this project is an art grant, a travel/study grant from the Jerome Foundation in Minnesota. As I stated my goal is to foster understanding of the contribution of shamanic ritual and belief systems to medicinal plant efficacy that may hopefully lead to novel new research protocols that more effectively identify new treatment modalities. I would not be doing the plant research, only providing the insight to new possibilities for others to utilize. As important to me as the possible new treatments is the economic impetus these discoveries might provide for the preservation of indigenous knowledge and sustainable use of the rain forest through controlled harvest and cultivation by the communities themselves and to what extent the governments may be involved. I am aware of the protocols protecting and rewarding indigenous intellectual property. I wonıt be doing this direct research and neither I nor my granting organization will derive economic benefit from what revelations my work may lead to other than to get continued funding for my project. If I am overlooking something or need to be made aware of some additional protocols, I will be more than glad to cooperate.<BR>
Photography is a unique art form with its undeniable link to reality and ability to communicate ideas across cultures. In addition to its factual content, it has human and emotional meaning that allows a deeper level of communication through shared truths and values. Through my years of running an international gallery of photography, I have found that attention can be drawn to important social issues through art, especially photography. I brought to the gallery major projects and artists from Russia, Cuba, Afghanistan and other countries. The exhibitions together with catalogues, panel discussions and artists talks brought community awareness to the cultures and issues of these societies. <BR>
The actual product I seek to make is a book of fine photographs that is embellished with scientific observation. The first half of the book would be the imagery, conceptually created portraits of the shamans, followed by plant and treatment information. My dream information would be for the shaman to share the plant potions for the malady associated with the rituals that inspire the making of each photograph. It would be exciting to do an analysis of the plant phytochemistry, the effectiveness of the treatment and any side effects. And then, my dream continues, is to compare this information with western scientific treatment/drugs for the same malady along with its effectiveness and side effects. Comparative chemistries might also be possible. Admittedly, these are quite high expectations for this project. Exhibitions of the photographs and treatment information appropriate to both art and science museums will be produced. The results of my efforts are for the lay public as well as established researchers and medical practitioners. Please check my web site: www.vancegellert.com. It is being updated but accessible now.<BR>
This past February I traveled to Bolivia where I had conversations with organizations and individuals interested in facilitating my project. I met with the directors of the Wildlife Conservation Society who put me in touch with the leaders of several indigenous communities who will assist me in making contact with their shamans. This includes the Tanaca of the northern lowlands and the Isoseno/Guarni of the Chaco savanna. I have letters of invitation from both of these communities. In exchange for their help, I will provide photographs for their museums and their promotional and other publications. Also well-known Bolivian photographer Willy Kenning will travel with me to visit with the Kallawaya shamans in the northeast highlands near Lake Titicaca. He is going to photograph festivals for his book and will help me make contact with this shaman group. I have also arranged for the assistance of Conservation International to make contact with the indigenous communities they work with in Bolivia and near Iquitos, Peru. Also, I am in communication with Mark Plotkin of the Amazon Conservation Team from whom I hope to get letter of introduction to the Council of Shamans of Columbia or UMIYAC (Unión de Medicos Indigenas Yageceros de la Amazonia Colombiana).<BR>
My inquiry to the MPWG is to increase the possibilities of collaboration hence the success of my project. Although I have made the above contacts, I figure I can stretch my grant farther by also joining a team and contributing my skills to the teamıs needs. Additionally, communicating through the many dialects I expect to encounter may be difficult if not impossible and I hope to get assistance in this area through the team.<BR>
I could go on, this is my dream, my motives are pure. Whatever assistance I can get to achieve this dream would be greatly appreciated. <BR>
Warm Regards,<BR>
-- <BR>
Vance Gellert <BR>
Knowledge Through Art and Science<BR>
4551 Aldrich Ave. S.<BR>
Minneapolis, MN 55409<BR>
<B>From: </B>Wolfgang Kathe <wolfgang.kathe@m-h-s.org><BR>
<B>Date: </B>Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:13:07 +0200<BR>
<B>To: </B>'Vance Gellert' <VGELLERT@mn.rr.com><BR>
<B>Subject: </B>AW: [MPWG] Seeking research team<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">Dear Vance,<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">interesting idea. I just have one question: you say that your goal is, among others, to broaden your understanding and discovery efforts to help find new medical treatment modalities from the Amazon and other South American areas. This makes me wonder and, to be honest, suspect, that there are economic interests behind your project. As you probably know, that's exactly what has already done a lot of damage to indigenous peoples in many parts of the world. In this context it would be interesting to know who sponsors the project and what the interests of the sponsors are and to have a clearer idea about the concept how communities will be approached. Is there already a structured concept how participation of the communities will be ensured, at which point treaties will be negotiated to make sure IPR issues and responsibilities are not ignored and no information of potential economic interest is extracted without clear benefit sharing regulations?<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">Many thanks for clarification on these issues,<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">best wishes<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">Wolfgang<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">____________________<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">Dr Wolfgang Kathe<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial">Mail: wolfgang.kathe@m-h-s.org<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><FONT FACE="Arial"><BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----<BR>
<B>Von:</B> MPWG-bounces@lists.plantconservation.org [mailto:MPWG-bounces@lists.plantconservation.org] <B>Im Auftrag von </B>Vance Gellert<BR>
<B>Gesendet:</B> Mittwoch, 18. August 2004 01:31<BR>
<B>An:</B> mpwg@lists.plantconservation.org<BR>
<B>Betreff:</B> [MPWG] Seeking research team<BR>
<FONT SIZE="5"><FONT FACE="Times">Dear Fellow Researchers,<BR>
I am seeking to join a research project on medicinal plants in the Amazon. I have a Ph.D. in pharmacology but for the last 20 years, Iıve been a fine arts photographer and administrator. Since my days in graduate school in pharmacology, I have wanted to study the interaction of shaman ritual and belief systems on the efficacy of medicinal plants. I have now rearranged my life to finally begin my dream. I propose to do this by making elegant conceptual photographs of shamans, working collaboratively with them and using the experience the rituals to construct the images. Rather than straight portraits, these will be built on metaphor and symbolism, always carrying elements of beauty. I will also collect medicinal plant information (collection, preparation, administration) associated with the particular ritual. My goal is to broaden our understanding and discovery efforts to help find new medical treatment modalities from the Amazon and other South American areas. <BR>
I have done some preliminary work in Bolivia last February and have received a grant to return to South America to continue. I would like to join with an expedition to work collaboratively with other researchers, enhancing our collective work. I also have ideas on how to engage members of the indigenous communities as photographers to document these rituals and treatments to include their unique points of view. I can also provide straight documentary work for the research team. Right now I have a flexible schedule and my grant is ready for me to pick up as soon as the journey is scheduled. All inquiries welcome. Please contact me at <U>vgellert@mn.rr.com</U>. My photography can be seen at <U>www.vancegellertphotography.com</U>. (soon to be vancegellert.com).<BR>
Thank you,<BR>
Vance Gellert Ph.D.<BR>
-- <BR>
Vance Gellert Photography<BR>
4551 Aldrich Ave. S.<BR>
Minneapolis, MN 55409<BR>