Dear Robyn,<BR>
Yes, some of the Saussurea species are being over-collected from some of the pockets. There are many species of Saussurea and few of them are also known for religious values. Thus the collection is for both the medical and religious purpose. I assume that S. costus is mostly dominate the market and also being cultivated by the farmers in Uttaranchal, Himachal and Jammu and Kashmir areas of Indian Himalayas. <BR>
Due to the habitat specificity and narrow range of distribution almost all the Saussurea species growing in the high altitude of the Himalayas need conservation.<BR>
With best wishes,<BR>
CP Kala<BR>
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 Robyn Klein wrote :<BR>
>Greeting Dr. Kala,<BR>
>I am an herbalist and graduate student in the U.S. Some of my herbalist colleagues have asked a few questions which you may be able to answer.<BR>
>Are Saussurea species (kushta) being over collected in their native areas? Are there efforts to cultivate Saussurea species for use in the medicinal plant market?<BR>
>Which species of Saussurea dominate the market? Which ones are in need of conservation efforts? I will pass this on to Herbal Hall, a private email discussion list of herbalist practitioners.<BR>
>Thank you for any information you can supply.<BR>
>Kind Regards,<BR>
>Robyn Klein<BR>
>Masters Graduate Student, Dept Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology<BR>
>Montana State University<BR>
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