Dear Congress Organizers,<BR>
I am pleased to introduce myself as Dr. C.P. Kala, working on the medicinal plants of the Himalayas for more than a decade. I have a number of publications including a book titled "Medicinal plants of Indian trans-Himalaya: focus on tibetan use of medicinal resources". I have a long experiences on the conservation aspects of medicinal plants used in the Tibetan Medical System. I have a paper fully devoted to the conservation of the Tibetan medicinal plants published in the Biological Conservation (ref 93: 371-379 ; 2000). <BR>
I am keen to deliver a lecture on the conservation of medicinal plants used in Tibetan Medical System. I am in India and would be grateful to the organizers if they arrange logistics to me to attend the conference. <BR>
With regards,<BR>
CP Kala<BR>
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 Plant Conservation wrote :<BR>
>The Second International Congress on Tibetan Medicine which is taking<BR>
>place Nov. 5-8, 2003 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill (Washington,<BR>
>D.C.) has a special track on The Future and Sustainability of Medicinal<BR>
>Plants in the Himalayan Region.<BR>
>As Tibetan medicine and other Asian systems of health become better known<BR>
>and understood in the West, and new research becomes increasingly<BR>
>promising, we need to address the devastating impact that the escalating<BR>
>need for medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) is having on environmental<BR>
>and biological resources of the Himalayan region and South Asia. Growing<BR>
>and widespread demand, over-harvesting, ecosystem degradation and<BR>
>deforestation, mono-cropping, and particularly the expansion of<BR>
>unregulated/illegal trade and commercial use of medicinal plants, are just<BR>
>some of the problems that are seriously beginning to threaten the survival<BR>
>and availability of many MAP species in the region. Leaders from a variety<BR>
>of fields and backgrounds (ethnobotanists, conservationists, industry<BR>
>members, government and other stakeholders) will be invited to address<BR>
>issues critical to this topic. A variety of case studies and examples of<BR>
>good working models from throughout the region will be presented, as well<BR>
>as issues of indigenous knowledge and intellectual property rights.<BR>
>In an effort to create more awareness about Tibetan medicine, the<BR>
>organizers are offering a discount off of the Regular registration fee<BR>
>($260 versus $345 for the full conference, of $90 versus $125 per day).<BR>
>Please go to www.procultura.org for more information & Program. If<BR>
>registering go to the registration page & after entering the amount, enter<BR>
>"Sust" in the "Group" Box. Or call 1-866-547-3309 to register over the<BR>
>Mpwg mailing list<BR>
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