[MPWG] WEBINAR: SPARK: Role of Environmental Law and Governance in strengthening Science-Policy Interfaces; February 28; 7:00 AM ET

Krone, Elizabeth C elizabeth_krone at fws.gov
Mon Feb 27 15:46:02 CST 2023

This international webinar may be of interest.


**This webinar is held in Kenya, please check your time zone**

Webinar date/time: February 28, 2023; 7:00 AM EST

Duration: 2 hours

What will you learn?
2022 marked 50 years since the United Nations Conference on the Environment. At the first special session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) commemorating fifty years since the establishment of the UNEP at 50, countries discussed UNEP’s role in the Science-Policy Interface, reflecting on past successes and considering the challenges ahead.

In support of this, the Law Division of UNEP is focusing on a series of initiatives to strengthen science-policy interfaces and is pleased to launch the Science Policy Actions for Redefining Knowledge (SPARK) programme that will focus on bringing knowledge and wisdom in support of science policy interface actions.

The first in the series is a webinar focusing on the role of environmental law and governance in strengthening science-policy interfaces.

Giulia Carlini: She is a senior attorney in CIEL’s Environmental Health program, protecting communities and the environment from toxic exposure.

Claudio Chiarolla: He is an international law and policy advisor specialising in genetic resource policy issues, intellectual property and sustainable development.

Jorge Cabrera: He is a Professor of Environmental Law in the University of Costa Rica, CISDL Lead Counsel on Biodiversity Law and Former negotiator of the CBD/Nagoya Protocol for Costa Rica.

Alexandra Harrington: She is a Lecturer in Law at Lancaster University Law School and Chair of IUCN Task Force on Plastic Pollution

Registration required: https://un-org-unep.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KOecTpB2REqu3J67Eriggg

Details: https://www.unep.org/events/webinar/role-environmental-law-and-governance-strengthening-science-policy-interfaces

Webinar presented by The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

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