[MPWG] Training Course: Earth to Sky Regional Course: Colorado Plateau; Sep 6-9 (Application Deadline: May 31)

Park, Margaret E margaret_park at fws.gov
Fri May 13 14:23:42 CDT 2022

*Course Dates: Sept. 6–9, 2022
*Course Location: Horace Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon National Park (In person only)
*Cost: Free of charge, with participants selected by applications
*Who should apply? This course is designed for interpreters, informal educators, and science communicators at federal, state, and local agencies, Tribal governments and education centers, and other organizations with a focus on place-based education. Participants should have experience with interpretation/communication principles and techniques; knowledge of climate science is not required. Partners and collaborators planning work on joint projects are especially encouraged.
*Applications Due: May 31

More information: https://earthtosky.org/related-news/195-upcoming-courses-and-workshops/426-copl.html

Hosted by: The National Park Service (NPS), Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Earth to Sky
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