[MPWG] WEBINAR: Tribal & Indigenous-Based Climate Adaptation Priorities in the NE CASC Region; May 18; 4pm ET

Park, Margaret E margaret_park at fws.gov
Thu Mar 17 09:47:28 CDT 2022

Webinar date/time: May 18; 4:00pm ET

What will you learn?
This webinar will provide an overview of climate adaptation priorities for Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples in the Northeast. A complete description will be available in the spring.

Casey Thornbrugh serves as a liaison between Tribal Nations, United South and Eastern Tribes Inc. (USET), and the Northeast and Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Centers to provide current climate science information, identify climate research needs and priorities, and offer climate adaptation planning support to Tribal Nations. Casey is a citizen of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and has an educational background in geography and climate science. Prior to joining USET, Casey worked as the Director of the Natural Resources Department for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.

This webinar will take place via Zoom. Connection information will be provided approximately one week before its scheduled date.
More info and connection information: https://necasc.umass.edu/webinars/tribal-indigenous-based-climate-adaptation-priorities-ne-casc-region

Webinar presented by Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (NE CASC)
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