[MPWG] REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: USDA Seeks Input on Ready-to-Go Technologies and Practices for Agriculture Innovation Agenda (deadline November 9)
De Angelis, Patricia
patricia_deangelis at fws.gov
Thu Sep 10 14:05:17 CDT 2020
This request for info aimed at farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers appears as though it could pertain to native plant producers, including medicinal/botanicals producers...
September 10, 2020
USDA today announced it is seeking public- and private-sector input on the most innovative technologies and practices that can be readily deployed across U.S. agriculture.
USDA is looking for ready-to-go technologies and practices to achieve its goal of increasing agricultural production by 40% to meet global population needs in 2050 while cutting U.S. agriculture’s environmental footprint in half.
“Across America, we have seen significant advances in agricultural production efficiency and conservation performance during the past two decades,” said Under Secretary Bill Northey, who leads USDA’s Farm Production and Conservation mission area. “We want to keep the momentum. As part of our Agriculture Innovation Agenda, USDA wants to continue helping farmers access new approaches.”
Through this notice, USDA's goal is to identify the best “ready to go” innovations, as well as request input on how to best incorporate these innovations into USDA programs and accelerate their adoption. Input is requested from a range of stakeholders including, but not limited to: Private sector, not for profits, farmers, forest sector, trade associations, commodity boards, and others involved in the supply chain or development of widely applicable practices, management approaches, or technologies (for example, robotics, applications and end use tools, in-field management activities). For the purpose of this notice, “ready to go” means a practice, technology, or management approach that is fully developed, has been field tested, has completed independent research trials, is publicly available, and end-user accessible. Submissions will be most helpful if they include reference citations or website links to research, on-farm trials, end-user group evaluation or other supporting documentation that the product is “ready to go” and has already been reviewed by the scientific or other appropriate community.
Based on stakeholder input from the RFI, USDA will develop a comprehensive U.S. agriculture innovation technology strategy for our customer-facing programs.
USDA has launched a new AIA website where visitors can access information on the latest research and data, innovative conservation technologies offered via USDA programs, and other conservation resources. Visitors can also stay up to date on USDA’s accountability metrics and learn about the experiences of producers who share similar paths to success.
Link to FR Notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/09/10/2020-20020/innovative-technologies-and-practices-for-the-agriculture-innovation-agenda
View the RFI Announcement<https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2020/09/10/usda-seeks-input-ready-go-technologies-and-practices-agriculture#:~:text=USDA%20is%20looking%20for%20ready,agriculture's%20environmental%20footprint%20in%20half.>
View the RFI on the Federal Register<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oM3mRPpXBFM8clQPkuFgBsXsxAOcjxajsg-9IDyIwTsSjK1aYKqTNQjGuG6tckzBt0dStuJAA0tx08NeslU_WgT9ng81nnIBpHfniv_yPVIzwK9w-eqDRRPJAlY_3dzyxLjALP7ENQSBi_yIvwlWRU0IZBfN4i9IXFSX7-cUw3yFmdkQklzhKyoAlNA8iA5Fgpd7KZWDHaeifH65Ud8N4Wcylu-iR4s1bF5CKSiwWB1oDLWQ8QjZt_LHgHsZ2M3thS8ebh72Wl6u2dSf1sEGwgJSuyxxMGbLZD90Yot-f3afWzELhI790g==&c=fWc2DtDDitOMTe64wAVXxg8VTpM8cqSyQPfxAWz_0hd6Vlut--WUWg==&ch=xP-Ir_DuD8oSWDup03KdAJBCRWRK7-fDaCujlcJ4YNidKFbg8kDeoQ==>
Download the RFI<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oM3mRPpXBFM8clQPkuFgBsXsxAOcjxajsg-9IDyIwTsSjK1aYKqTNQjGuG6tckzBQw7LvM2ykl9zfHoustSkPNJD3nLLWQVma0ssoxbCfMTMaMzyTrH2pQ2s211DzX6-2n2S474EwQ8Fi6z3h4fda_8Gqmkn5wyMfDJwqB5fNQ4VlNP1UgNYm2XpIwEP8Z9gUih5DzlGiQ6cvPAbex5ZNQ==&c=fWc2DtDDitOMTe64wAVXxg8VTpM8cqSyQPfxAWz_0hd6Vlut--WUWg==&ch=xP-Ir_DuD8oSWDup03KdAJBCRWRK7-fDaCujlcJ4YNidKFbg8kDeoQ==> here (PDF, 247 KB)
For more information about the Agriculture Innovation Agenda, please visit www.usda.gov/aia<http://www.usda.gov/aia>.
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