[MPWG] Celebrate FairWild Week, 22-26 June 2020: Why care about wild plants? // New report: The Invisible trade: Wild plants and you in the time of COVID-19
De Angelis, Patricia
patricia_deangelis at fws.gov
Tue Jun 23 08:43:09 CDT 2020
The Invisible Trade: Wild plants and you in the time of COVID-19 (https://bit.ly/3hDVX9w<https://bit.ly/3hDVX9w?fbclid=IwAR0TJnsj0hhSd1JGrRbtdckjHIT8oupJW5FPGPk126x_XTOikfvNpHDVH6w>) aims to reignite/start conversation about the sustainability of wild plant ingredients used in everyday products. Packed with updated figures on trade in plants (including the evidence of illicit trade), IUCN Red List threats information update, economic contribution to livelihoods, and documented evidence of trade increasing during COVID-19.
This new report from TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, was released to kick off FairWild Week 2020, which started on Monday, 22 June. This year's theme: Why care about wild plants. I've included a little summary of what it is below and how to engage. We would appreciate any support to share this through your channel that you have. We've also got a content package for the week, in case you are interested to join in and spread the message.
With best wishes,
Why care about wild plants: FairWild Week, 22-26 June 2020 (Online/social media, 22-26 June 2020). FairWild Week is an annual online campaign to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable and equitable trade in wild plant ingredients to the global economy, supply chains, everyday products, and livelihoods, and promotes buying from businesses that are committed to sustainable wild plants trade. It creates a dialogue with consumers about the plight of wild plants, and supports market transformation through engaging companies on sustainability issues.
If you are a business sourcing wild ingredients, educator, civil society organization, botanic garden, please join us to share messages about wild plants sustainability! Read the new TRAFFIC report on the context of trade in wild plants: https://bit.ly/3hDVX9w<https://bit.ly/3hDVX9w?fbclid=IwAR0TJnsj0hhSd1JGrRbtdckjHIT8oupJW5FPGPk126x_XTOikfvNpHDVH6w>
Follow the updates on social media with #FairWildWeek and through https://www.fairwild.org/fairwild-week
Facebook & Twitter: @FairWild
Instagram & LinkedIn: @Fairwild_Foundation
Anastasiya Timoshyna
TRAFFIC | Senior Programme Co-Ordinator – Sustainable Trade
IUCN SSC/Medicinal Plant Specialist Group | Co-Chair
David Attenborough Building, Pembroke Street
Cambridge, United Kingdom, CB2 3QZ
Email: anastasiya.timoshyna at traffic.org<mailto:anastasiya.timoshyna at traffic.org> | Tel: +44 1223 331969
Website<http://www.traffic.org/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/trafficnetwork/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/TRAFFIC_WLTrade> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/2295581> | Sign up to our newsletter<http://eepurl.com/cGJvdf>
UK Registered Charity No. 1076722, Registered Limited Company No. 3785518
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