[MPWG] Fwd:Free Webinar, "Isolation Techniques"
marguerite uhlmann-bower
3moonsisters at gmail.com
Thu May 23 19:56:44 CDT 2013
Free webinar: "Isolation Techniques" for seed saving
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[image: Seed Savers
Dear Fellow Gardener,[image: Isolation Tents]
Thank you for your interest in the Seed Savers Exchange webinar series.
Please join us for the next webinar,* **"Isolation Techniques."*
If you're trying to save seeds from multiple varieties of the same plant
species in a single growing season, you'll need to consider the possibility
of cross-pollination. Cross-pollinated seed is not ideal for seed saving,
particularly if you're interested in maintaining the characteristics of a
variety from generation to generation. In this webinar, we'll discuss
different techniques to keep promiscuous plants' pollen under control. Such
techniques include tenting, blossom-bagging, timing, and distance.
*This webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m. Central Time.*
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Shannon and Grant
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*[image: SSE Memberhip]<http://seedsavers.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=4474a76b0fe1edee871ccdcee&id=7af788b9f9&e=dfc8b3257d>Seed
Savers Exchange<http://seedsavers.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4474a76b0fe1edee871ccdcee&id=3f646966df&e=dfc8b3257d>(SSE),
is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving and sharing
heirloom seeds. Since 1975, SSE members have been passing on our garden
heritage by collecting and distributing thousands of samples of rare garden
seeds to other gardeners. Located at 890-acre Heritage Farm, six miles
north of Decorah, Iowa, SSE is open to the public from March 1 through
December 23.*
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*Copyright © 2013 Seed Savers Exchange, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email because you have previously registered for a
Seed Savers Exchange Webinar.
*Our mailing address is:*
Seed Savers Exchange
3094 North Winn Rd
Decorah, IA 52101
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Animations for your
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - Carl Jung
Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower
Registered Nurse, Herbal Educator, Wild Foods Forager
Herbal Educational Services
Weeds, Leaves, Seeds & Shoots : Balance Your Budget – Steward the Land ™
226 Kelso Rd. / Sanders Lane
East Meredith, (Upstate) NY 13757
*(607) 278-9635*
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