[MPWG] Society for Economic Botany Conference
Sunshine L Brosi
slbrosi at frostburg.edu
Thu Dec 1 13:37:28 CST 2011
The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany will be held June 3-7th, 2012, at Frostburg State University in Frostburg, MD, USA.
The Society for Economic Botany brings together scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, activists and students to learn all kinds of uses that various cultures have made of plants, from medicines to food to vessels. The theme of this year conference is the Ethnobotany of Mountain Cultures.
Call for Presentations and Posters for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY FOR ECONOMIC BOTANY is now available.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE April 1, 2012, http://www.econbot.org/_organization_/07_annual_meetings/abstract_submission/
Additional information about the conference can be found at the following link:
Please direct questions to seb at frostburg.edu
Sunshine L. Brosi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Ethnobotany
Biology Department
Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532
T 301-687-4213 F 301-687-7034
slbrosi at frostburg.edu
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