[MPWG] Fwd: [NEHA-group] Public comment on proposed rules for gathering in National Forest
marguerite uhlmann-bower
3moonsisters at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 09:21:13 CST 2009
A NEHA (Northeast Herb Association) list serve posting this a.m. ...
Here's a letter I got re the new proposed rules on gathering in
National Forest:
I am writing to let you know the latest status of the proposed Federal
regulations on gathering wild plants and mushrooms in National Forests.
We have just learned that the proposed regulations are now in a public
comment period that will last from January 29th 2009 until March 2,
2009. A new final ruling on the regulations will be released March
30, 2009.
As I explained during the interview, the basics of the proposed
regulations are that the Forest Service would be required to:
1.Provide for free personal use, but with permits required
2.Require permits and fees for commercial harvesting.
3.Set sustainable harvest limits.
4.Inventory and monitor wild plants and mushrooms that are being gathered.
5.Honor treaty obligations with Native Americans.
You can find a complete copy of the Final Ruling on the regulations at:
You can open it as either a text or PDF file under:
RULES Sale and Disposal of National Forest System Timber; Special Forest
Products and Forest Botanical Products, 79367?79392 [E8?30672]?
If you have concerns or comments about how these proposed regulations
could affect you, please send your comments to:
1) Your Federal Senator and Congressperson and
2) USDA Forest Service, FM, Director, 201 14th Street, SW., Mailstop
1103, Washington, DC 20024, or by e-mail to
wospecialproducts at fs.fed.us<wospecialproducts%40fs.fed.us>
If you would like more information, please contact: Marla Emery,
Research Geographer, US Forest Service Northern Research Station,
(802) 951-6771 ext. 1060, memery at fs.fed.us <memery%40fs.fed.us>.
Please share this information with others who might be interested.
Best wishes and I hope you are well!
Ginger Nickerson,
Research Specialist
Green Mountain/Finger Lakes National Forest Wild Plant and Mushroom Study
P.O. Box 331, Worcester, VT, 05682
(802) 249-6701, vnic at umich.edu <vnic%40umich.edu>
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Green Blessings,
May our walk be soft and gentle
as we gather our roots once again.
Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower, R.N., Herbalist
10517 Turnpike Rd.
East Meredith, NY 13757
(607) 278-9635
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