[MPWG] Plants / Health / Environment / Gas Drilling
marguerite uhlmann-bower
3moonsisters at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 08:00:25 CST 2009
Hello all,
Our local NPR station, WSKG will be doing a story on Gas Drilling in our
area soon. Will let you know when. I am assisting a most wonderful, spunky
woman friend, Susana Schwartz, who has been endlessly helping our
environment, animals, you name it by lobbying in her home town (no one pays
her), writing, going door to door, aside from managing her horses and her
daily job. So, from her amazing gas drilling researching abilities and
writing skills she peaked the interest of our local NPR station to do a one
hour story / interview on her. She will have a panel of experts in their
field speaking on gas drilling and its consequences.
Dare I ask ... could you make calls into this station whether they have this
open to the public or not? And let them know how you stand on gas
contaminants and its detrimental effects on our land and our health? (I've
written a few down below and if you want more I'll send on. Just ask.) I'll
let you know day, time and telephone number as soon as I find out. And of
course thank them for their coverage and ask for more of this. We want to
get our food, air and water clean again, and keep it that way. Gas drilling
is definitely not one of those ways to do this.
Don't feel guilty if you're using gas at home. We'll come up with a better
way sooner than later. Its inevitable. For now, we need to speak out about
the destructive effects gas chemicals have on our soil, water, air and food.
The following is what I wrote to Susana for her interview.
Points of concern I take on Gas drilling chemicals (or just about any
chemical for that matter):
1) - *No tolerance for the use of any gas drilling chemicals.
Even the so called "safe" levels set by the EPA and/or DEC. *These and
other chemicals are over burdening natures ability to filter out. If
filtering is
even possible any longer. Since man made mixes and the deluge of chemicals
from countless sources bombarding our environment may no longer be
discernible for our ecosystem to be able to filter. As a registered
nurse, its inescapable to not notice how there's an increase of healthy
people coming down with chronic diseases. It seems to be in direct
relation to the increase of chemicals and environmental contaminants
in our society as a whole.
(See recent French Study reported in Mother Earth Magazine - Dec. '09
issue on Roundup, a glyphosate herbicide, found EPA safe standard
levels "may", god I dislike that word, "may" not be so safe after all.)
2) - *No tolerance for even low levels of Gas drilling chemicals.*
The incalculable and unavoidable number of environmental
contaminants in our air, water, soil, food, clothing, body and
hair care products, ... must I go on? ... all having so called
'safe levels' set by whatever governing body, and, that governing
body often times are *paid* by those chemical company's (see below).
I believe these chemicals are a major cause of the chronic
diseases we are seeing. In particular they are endocrine
disrupting toxins. Toxins which are known to cause oxidative
damage to our reproductive & endocrine mitochondrial cells
as well as *every* mitochondrial cell in our body. Mitochondria cells
are our power house in every cell, giving them the energy to properly
function. If destroyed or weakened, research shows it results in chronic
diseases and conditions such as Alzheimer's, Cancer, Heart Disease,
Diabetes, and some such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue,
we've not seen before 30 or so yrs ago.
(The DEC did receive Gas Drilling money. This information came about thanks
to Erik Miller and according to a report from the NYS Comptroller "during
the six years ended December 31, 2005, the Department of Environmental
Conservation received over $10.4 million in lease revenue" from gas
Invaluable environmental and health related sites:
The Endocrine Society
*Question for you Susana:* Do you have information correlating the incidence
of disease in relation to gas drilling sites? If not and we have time, I
will try to find. I'm curious about this correlation for drilling sites that
have 'never' had a gas drilling incidence to drilling sites that have had
one or more incidences.
Thank you for listening everyone and hope you don't mind.
*One last point*: We as herbalists and helper healers know that faith,
mindfulness, botanicals (subtle to concentrates), nutritional foods and
supplements can make a difference at turning around some or many of these
disease conditions. However, if we continue to randomly pump chemical
cocktails into our environment, the saturation point will obviously tip. My
sense says that it has already.
PS: I'm not scared. I'm not angry. I'm not pissed.
I'm just confused. Confused at what rationales and motives some humans are
guided by.
'Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the
last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.'
Cree saying.
Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower, R.N., Herbalist
226 Kelso Rd. / Sanders Lane
East Meredith, NY 13757
(607) 278-9635
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