[MPWG] WEB: The Convention on Biological Diversity's Plant Conservation Report
Olivia Kwong
plant at plantconservation.org
Tue Jul 22 11:45:23 CDT 2008
The Plant Conservation Report is available as a PDF at:
Ninth meeting
Bonn, 19-30 May 2008
Item 3.2 of the provisional agenda*
A review of progress in implementing the Global Strategy for Plant
Conservation (GSPC)
Note by the Executive Secretary
1. In decision VII/31, on its multi-year programme of work up to 2010, the
Conference of the Parties decided to consider the Global Strategy for
Plant Conservation (GSPC) as an issue for in-depth consideration at its
ninth meeting. In preparation, the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) carried out a review of the
GSPC. At its twelfth meeting, SBSTTA considered the in depth review of the
implementation of the GSPC and adopted recommendation XII/2 for
consideration by the Conference of the Parties.
2. Paragraph 3 of that recommendation requests the Executive Secretary to
develop by the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, in
collaboration with the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation, UNEP
-World Conservation Monitoring Centre and relevant organizations, and
taking into account contributions from Parties, other Governments and
relevant stakeholders, a "Plant Conservation Report" that could provide
inputs to the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook and serve
as a communication and awareness-raising tool on the implementation of the
3. Accordingly, the Executive Secretary is pleased to circulate herewith,
for the information of participants in the ninth meeting of the Conference
of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the "Plant
Conservation Report: a review of progress in implementing the Global
Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)."
4. The Plant Conservation Report outlines progress made to date, from 2002
to 2008. The Report also highlights the urgent challenges and some
priorities for further implementation up to 2010, as well as providing a
background and rationale for further global initiatives in plant
conservation beyond 2010.
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