[MPWG] Public input requested by March 26, 2006: Initiation of 5-Year Reviews of 56 Species in California and Nevada
rrr at montana.com
rrr at montana.com
Tue Mar 28 05:13:54 CST 2006
Hello Patricia and all,
In my experience, most Endangered and Rare plant species are not likely
sought by wildcrafters for use in producing medicinal products. It could
be that even if these species have medicinal uses, they are too hard to
find because they are not common. If a population is found, there may not
be enough to make it worth the collection.
These uncommon species may not look familiar to the wildcrafter, who is
used to more common related species.
In any case, some years ago I perused the Plant Species of Concern in
Montana (via the Montana Natural Heritage Program) and did not find any
species that might be pressured by harvesters.
Lobelia, for example, or Drosera are both difficult to locate, as well as
too sparse (in Montana) to catch the attention of wildcrafters.
However, wildcrafters have been known to dig Endangered or Rare species of
Echinacea during the Echinacea boom in the 80s and 90s. I don't know of
any other examples.
I suspect it is not the experienced wildcrafter that is a threat. Rather
the inexperienced ones who don't realize they are losing money by going
after small populations, if they can even key them out or recognize them.
Best Regards,
Robyn Klein, Montana
> Hello,
> A quick review reveals that none of the 33 plant species listed are in
> commerce as medicinals; whether some of them have local uses is beyond my
> experience.
> Michael McGuffin
> plants
> Bakersfield cactus............ Opuntia treleasei.... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 55 FR 29361 (19-JUL-
> 90)
> Ben Lomond spineflower........ Chorizanthe pungens Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 59 FR 5499 (04-FEB-
> var. hartwegiana.
> 94)
> Butte County meadowfoam....... Limnanthes floccosa Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 57 FR 24192 (08-JUN-
> ssp. californica.
> 92)
> California jewelflower........ Caulanthus Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 55 FR 29361 (19-JUL-
> californicus.
> 90)
> Catalina Island mountain- Cercocarpus traskiae. Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 42692 (08-AUG-
> mahogany.
> 97)
> Chorro Creek bog thistle...... Cirsium fontinale Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 59 FR 64613 (15-DEC-
> var. obispoense.
> 94)
> Coachella Valley milk-vetch... Astragalus Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 63 FR 53596 (06-OCT-
> lentiginosus var.
> 98)
> coachellae.
> Colusa grass.................. Neostapfia colusana.. Threatened......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 14338 (26-MAR-
> 97)
> Hairy Orcutt grass............ Orcuttia pilosa...... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 14338 (26-MAR-
> 97)
> Hoffmann's rock-cress......... Arabis hoffmannii.... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 40954 (31-JUL-
> 97)
> Howell's spineflower.......... Chorianthe howellii.. Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 57 FR 27848 (22-JUN-
> 92)
> Indian Knob mountain balm..... Eriodictyon Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 59 FR 64613 (15-DEC-
> altissimum.
> 94)
> Kern mallow................... Eremalche kernensis.. Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 55 FR 29361 (19-JUL-
> 90)
> Lane Mountain milk-vetch...... Astragalus Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 63 FR 53596 (06-OCT-
> jaegerianus.
> 98)
> Menzies' wallflower........... Erysimum menziesii... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 57 FR 27848 (22-JUN-
> 92)
> Monterey gilia................ Gilia tenuiflora ssp. Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 57 FR 27848 (22-JUN-
> arenaria.
> 92)
> Morro manzanita............... Arctostaphylos Threatened......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 59 FR 64613 (15-DEC-
> morroensis.
> 94)
> Munz's onion.................. Allium munzii........ Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 63 FR 54975 (13-OCT-
> 98)
> Otay tarplant................. Deinandra Threatened......
> U.S.A. (CA); 63 FR 54937 (13-OCT-
> (=Hemizonia)
> Mexico (B.C.). 98)
> conjugens.
> Orcutt's spineflower.......... Chorizanthe Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 61 FR 52370 (07-OCT-
> orcuttiana.
> 96)
> Pismo clarkia................. Clarkia speciosa ssp. Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 59 FR 64613 (15-DEC-
> immaculata.
> 94)
> Sacramento Orcutt grass....... Orcuttia viscida..... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 14338 (26-MAR-
> 97)
> San Jacinto Valley crownscale. Atriplex coronata Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 63 FR 54975 (13-OCT-
> var. notatior.
> 98)
> Santa Cruz Island bush-mallow. Malacothamnus Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 40954 (31-JUL-
> fasciculatus var.
> 97)
> nesioticus.
> Santa Rosa Island manzanita... Arctostaphylos Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 40954 (31-JUL-
> confertiflora.
> 97)
> Showy Indian clover........... Trifolium amoenum.... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 54791 (22-OCT-
> 97)
> Slender-horned spineflower.... Dodecahema leptoceras Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 52 FR 36265 (28-SEP-
> 87)
> Slender Orcutt grass.......... Orcuttia tenuis...... Threatened......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 14338 (26-MAR-
> 97)
> Soft-leaved paintbrush........ Castilleja mollis.... Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 62 FR 40954 (31-JUL-
> 97)
> Spreading navarretia.......... Navarretia fossalis.. Threatened......
> U.S.A. (CA); 63 FR 54975 (13-OCT-
> Mexico (B.C.). 98)
> Steamboat buckwheat........... Eriogonum ovalifolium Endangered......
> U.S.A. (NV)..... 51 FR 24669 (08-JUL-
> var. williamsiae.
> 86)
> Thread-leaved brodiaea........ Brodiaea filifolia... Threatened......
> U.S.A. (CA)..... 63 FR 54975 (13-OCT-
> 98)
> Willowy monardella............ Monardella linoides Endangered......
> U.S.A. (CA); 63 FR 54937 (13-OCT-
> ssp. viminea.
> Mexico. 98)
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