[MPWG] Fw: African Healing Wisdom Conference - July 6-9 - Washington, DC
Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Fri Jul 1 07:43:33 CDT 2005
Although this conference is not about US native medicinals, the issues
being discussed have applications to our work here in North America - so,
I'll pass along this info that was sent to me from one of our members...
Patricia S. De Angelis, Ph.D.
Botanist - Division of Scientific Authority
Chair - Plant Conservation Alliance - Medicinal Plant Working Group
US Fish & Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 750
Arlington, VA 22203
703-358-1708 x1753
FAX: 703-358-2276
Working for the conservation and sustainable use of our green natural
----- Forwarded by Patricia De Angelis/ARL/R9/FWS/DOI on 07/01/2005 08:35
AM -----
Patricia, wanted to pass this on to you and the group, if anyone is
----- Message from "NMAC Lifeline" <NMACLifeline at nmac.org> on Fri, 17 Jun
2005 21:14:53 GMT -----
To: "Lilia Cajilog" <tawo90 at aol.com>
Subject: African Healing Wisdom Conference Set for July in Washington, DC
African Healing Wisdom Conference Set for July in Washington, DC
July 6 - 9, 2005
Washington, DC
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Visit the conference online, or click here for PDF of the
registration form.
The African Healing Wisdom Conference
(http://ga1.org/ct/x1z2DI71fq7r/African_Healing_Conf/)will be
held July 6-9, 2005, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol
Hill, in Washington, DC. This year's theme is "From Tradition to
Current Application and Research." International in scope, the
conference will explore the uniqueness, wealth and complexity of
African traditional medicines, and their potential role in
addressing some of the crucial health challenges of our times.
Conference Overview
All health professionals, as well as the general public, are
invited to attend this important conference exploring how
traditional African medical treatments can assist in dealing
with the unprecedented crisis of new and re-emerging diseases.
In light of the crippling impact many outbreaks have on entire
communities worldwide, it is reasonable for the biomedical
community to access as many resources and partners as possible
to tackle these challenges. One of the resources that may be
overlooked or at least underestimated is the contribution that
traditional medicine and healers may offer at many levels of
health care delivery.
This year's event is slated to accomplish the following:
* To raise awareness of African traditional medicine systems and
the world views in which they are grounded
* To evaluate the success of existing programs in integrating
African traditional medicine into western health care delivery
systems, particularly for HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other
infectious and chronic diseases
* To promote collaboration between biomedical and African
traditional care providers in research, prevention, care and
support for various diseases of national and global importance
* To review current research on African medicinal plants,
remedies and other alternative/ complementary therapies
* To discuss the connection between African health traditions
and African-American alternative medical practices.
Through a comprehensive presentation of national and
international case-studies and examples, this conference will
focus on two key questions to evaluate African traditional
healing practices in the context of delivering affordable,
sustainable and culturally-sensitive care:
* What can African traditional medicines contribute to the
prevention and control of infectious and chronic diseases and
how can such contributions be validated and enhanced?
* What roles can traditional African health knowledge play in
addressing issues of health disparities and equity, both at home
and abroad, and how can these roles be enhanced?
Additional Information and Registration:
Register and remit the registration fee online using the link below,
or complete and submit the conference registration form with payment
to The George Washington University Medical Center by fax or mail.
The regular registration fee is $295.00 and for students it is $150.00.
Please add $100 if payment is made after July 1, 2005. Additional fees
for continuing education credit apply.
Forms may be submitted securely online
(http://ga1.org/ct/x1z2DI71fq7r/African_Healing_Conf/), or by
postal mail
(http://ga1.org/ct/xdz2DI71fq7f/African_Conf_Form_PDF) to the
following address:
The George Washington University Medical Center
Office of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
2300 Eye Street, NW
Suite 313-D
Washington, DC 20037
Faxed registrations require credit card payment, and may be sent
to (202) 994-1791.
Please note: All credit card charges will appear on your
statement as "GWU MC CME." Checks and money orders must be made
payable in US funds to GWUMC.
When your registration has been processed you will receive a
confirmation letter by mail. On arrival at the hotel, please
sign in at the conference registration desk where you will
receive your badge, program, information and other materials.
All cancellation requests must be made in writing. No phone
cancellations will be honored. A full refund minus a $75.00
processing fee will be made for each request postmarked by June
22, 2005. No refunds will be made for requests postmarked after
June 22, 2005. All refunds will be issued 3 to 4 weeks after the
conclusion of the conference. Please send your written
cancellation request to The George Washington University Medical
Center, 2300 Eye Street, NW, Suite 313-D, Washington, DC 20037
or fax it to 202-994-1791.
Accommodations and Conference Location
All conference events will take place at Hyatt Regency
Washington on Capitol Hill, which is located two blocks from
Amtrak's Union Station. For more information, contact the hotel
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Telephone: (202) 737-1234
Questions and Additional Information
For more information and/or to register for the conference,
visit the conference website at
http://ga1.org/ct/x1z2DI71fq7r/African_Healing_Conf; telephone
(202) 994-4285 (direct) or (800) 314-1423 (toll free); or send a
message to: registration at africanmedicine.info.
If you have questions about the program schedule, volunteering,
grant support or exhibiting, please contact:
* Program: program at procultura.org
* Volunteering: volunteer at procultura.org
* Grant Support: sponsor at procultura.org
* Exhibiting: exhibits at procultura.org
About NMAC Lifeline
Expand your support for NMAC today! Visit our new online giving
pages to learn about the many ways you and your organization can
help NMAC continue and expand its work. And be sure to tour the
rest of the NMAC website to learn what's new with upcoming
conferences, technical assistance opportunities and
Need more information? Contact NMAC by e-mail: info at nmac.org;
telephone: (202) 483-6622; or postal mail: National Minority
AIDS Council, 1931 13th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009-4432.
NMAC thanks the sponsor of this service, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents of this message are
the sole responsibility of NMAC, and do not necessarily
represent the official view of the CDC.
A note on content: Most information distributed through NMAC
Lifeline and on the NMAC website is drawn from secondary
sources. It is not meant to constitute medical advice or
diagnostic information. People living with HIV/AIDS should share
information of interest with their primary care provider before
making treatment choices. The presence of the name or image of
any person on NMAC website, or within this message, should not
be construed as an indication of their HIV status, unless
specifically stated.
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