[MPWG] Membership Matters - Feb 2005 (fwd)
Plant Conservation
plant at plantconservation.org
Mon Feb 14 09:35:14 CST 2005
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:40:42 -0500
From: Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Subject: Membership Matters - Feb 2005
News and information for Medicinal Plant Working Group (MPWG) Listserve
Members, from the MPWG Chair
It's been just over half a year since I sent updated the listserve members
on our current stats and other exciting info. So, here is a rundown of all
that you need to know about the MPWG listserve.
In this e-mail.
Welcome New Members - Our number is growing!
Tell me who you are - I'd like to hear from you!
About MPWG - Background and goals!
Listserve Posting Guidelines - Can't we all just get along?
MPWG E-Directory - A challenge from the Chair!
PCA - What is it?
PCA Listserves - Check out our sister listserves!
PCA Cooperators - MPWG Members keep signing on!
NGO Committee - PCA Cooperators will be contacted!
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please e-mail me at:
<Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov>.
Patricia S. De Angelis, Ph.D.
Botanist - Division of Scientific Authority
Chair - Plant Conservation Alliance - Medicinal Plant Working Group
US Fish & Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 750
Arlington, VA 22203
703-358-1708 x1753
FAX: 703-358-2276
Working for the conservation and sustainable use of our green natural
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Welcome New Members!
As of today, we have 300 members on our listserve! In 2004, we added 55
new members to our listserve! Since January 2005, we have new subscribers!
Our listserve includes representatives from multiple sectors: growers,
harvesters, consumers, scientists, educators, industry, tribal, state and
federal government employees.
Welcome to all of our new members!
Tell me who you are!
In an effort to get to know our members â new and old, I encourage you to
send me an e-mail describing your interest in medicinal plants. Also,
please let me know what your expectations are in joining the MPWG
listserve. If you would, please include your contact information. My
e-mail is: Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov.
About MPWG
MPWG was formed in 1999 in order to focus specific attention on issues
related to medicinal plant conservation and sustainable use. Our primary
goals are:
-> To generate and share information regarding species of medicinal and
economic importance and conservation concern;
-> To promote appropriate conservation measures for native medicinal
-> To promote sustainable production of native medicinal plants;
-> To increase participation in native medicinal plant conservation; and
-> To encourage active participation by Tribes and other holders of
traditional native medicinal plant knowledge.
Topics for Discussion
The MPWG listserve provides a forum for discussion of issues related to the
sustainable use and conservation of medicinal plants. Our focus is
primarily North American. However, we recognize that sustainable use and
conservation of medicinal plant issues in other parts of the world may have
direct relevance to issues we face here.
Some items that are not appropriate to post over this listserve are:
X Diagnoses for specific ailments
X Treatment suggestions
X Commercial ads
Listserve Posting Guidelines
Medicinal plants are a subject of both science and passion. The purpose of
this list is to promote beneficial discussion among all stakeholders.
Accusatory or inflammatory language is not consistent with the free and
open exchange of ideas that MPWG was formed to promote. Offensive e-mails
will result in a personal warning to the offending listserve member(s).
Continued abuse of the posting guidelines will result in removal from the
list. See our complete guidelines for postings at:
MPWG E-Directory
Our membership includes an incredible diversity of experience and
expertise! To facilitate communication amongst our members, we plan to
create a searchable electronic membership directory. In order to justify
the creation of such a database - we need more of you to respond with your
information (see list of fields, below).
I challenge at least 50 of you to send in your information by the end of
March! Send the following information to <plant at plantconservation.org>.
We ask that you please provide at least your name and some form of contact
information (i.e. e-mail, phone number, or address). Any other information
you wish to include is optional; you may leave the space blank if you wish.
Remember, the more information you include, the more useful the directory
will be.
> title
> first and last name
> tribal or other affiliation/institution
> job position
> department
> mailing address (include zip code and country)
> telephone number
> cellular phone number
> e-mail
> fax number
> website
> languages spoken
> educational information (i.e. institution name, degrees)
> associations (include positions, if any)
> publications
> expertise and specialties
> medicinal plant interests
> current or interested member of MPWG Committee(s) - conservation,
sustainable production, industry, Elder's circle, ethnobotany, finance
> other PCA affiliations â i.e. Alien Plant Working Group, Restoration
Working Group
To see an example of the potential that this directory might hold for us,
see this link: <http://www.ser.org/work.php?pg=restorationexpertise>.
Click on "search the directory."
PCA Working Groups
The Medicinal Plant Working Group functions under the umbrella of the Plant
Conservation Alliance (PCA). Chaired by Peggy Olwell, U.S. Department of
the Interior-Bureau of Land Management, PCA is a consortium of ten federal
government member agencies and 227 non-federal cooperators representing
various disciplines of plant conservation. The PCA mission is to protect
native plants by ensuring that their communities and their populations are
maintained, enhanced, and restored. See the PCA website at:
The Alien Plant Working Group (APWG) provides information for the general
public, land managers, researchers, and others on the serious threat and
impacts of invasive alien (exotic, non-native) plants to the native flora,
fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States. See the APWG website
at: <http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/index.htm>.
The Restoration Working Group (RWG) facilitates the implementation of
numerous successful restoration projects throughout the country. See the
RWG website at: <http://www.nps.gov/plants/restore/index.htm>.
The Seeds of Success (SOS) supports and coordinates seed collection of
native plant populations in the United States to increase the number of
species and the amount of native seed that is available for use in
stabilizing, rehabilitating and restoring lands. See the SOS website at:
PCA Listserves
PCA and its working groups have their own listserves. As with the MPWG
listserve, you must be subscribed to the list in order to "post," or send a
message out to all the subscribers. In general, the information posted on
these listserves in not cross-posted. So, if your interest lies in
restoration and it doesn't involve a medicinal plant, you won't see the
same message over the MPWG listserve. I encourage you to join as many of
our sister listserves as you wish.
Here's how to subscribe: Send an e-mail with the message "SUBSCRIBE" in
the body of the message (not in the title) to:
> native-plants-request at lists.plantconservation.org
For the main PCA mailing list, which supports general native plant
discussions, including meeting announcements and highlights of
regularly scheduled PCA meetings.
> apwg-request at lists.plantconservation.org
For the APWG mailing list, which supports information about invasive
> rwg-request at lists.plantconservation.org
For the RWG mailing list, which supports information about
restoration issues.
> sos-request at lists.plantconservation.org
For the SOS mailing list, which supports information about native
seed collection.
PCA Cooperators
Any interested organization with a commitment to preserving and protecting
our country's ecosystems may become a Cooperator. See the current list at:
If you have not yet become a Plant Conservation Alliance Cooperator, I
encourage you to do so. See the list of cooperators at: <
http://www.nps.gov/plants/coop.htm> to see if your group is listed.
To become a Cooperator, print out, fill in and mail the form at:
Send the completed form to Peggy Olwell at: Bureau of Land Management, 1849
C Street NW, LSB-204, Washington, DC 20240, Phone (202) 452-7764, Fax (202)
452-7702. Or, send an e-mail to peggy_olwell at blm.gov.
Also, you may request a packet of information about the PCA be sent to you.
The packet contains general information about the PCA and its working group
NGO Committee
Why become a PCA Cooperator? For one, Kathryn Kennedy, President and
Executive Director of the Center for Plant Conservation
(www.centerforplantconservation.org), will be contacting all PCA
Cooperators to begin putting structure to the group, organizing it into the
PCA-NGO (non-governmental organization) Committee. I will pass along
updates as soon as they become available.
More information about the MPWG
mailing list