[MPWG] APHIS extends comment period on on herbicide-resistant bentgrass (fwd)
Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Thu Apr 28 08:51:05 CDT 2005
Excuse the cross-posting but I wanted to make sure all MPWG members knew
about the extended comment period on herbicide-resistant bentgrass. There
will also be public forums on May 3 and 18. See message, below.
Patricia S. De Angelis, Ph.D.
Botanist - Division of Scientific Authority
Chair - Plant Conservation Alliance - Medicinal Plant Working Group
US Fish & Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 750
Arlington, VA 22203
703-358-1708 x1753
FAX: 703-358-2276
Working for the conservation and sustainable use of our green natural
----- Forwarded by Patricia De Angelis/ARL/R9/FWS/DOI on 04/28/2005 09:46
AM -----
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| | 04/28/2005 09:12 AM |
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| To: <native-plants at lists.plantconservation.org> |
| cc: |
| Subject: [PCA] 5/3 MD & 5/18 OR public forums, 6/1 to comment on herbicide-resistant |
| bentgrass (fwd) |
USDA/APHIS has reopened the comment period for scoping to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement on a Scotts-Monsanto petition to deregulate
genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant ("Roundup Ready") creeping
bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera). The new deadline for comments is June 1,
2005. Public forums will be held May 3 in Chevy Chase, MD; and May 18 in
Corvallis, OR.
DATES: APHIS will consider written comments submitted at public scoping
forums on May 3, 2005, and May 18, 2005. The public forums will be held
from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Locations are given in the April 11, 2005, Federal
Register. APHIS will also consider written comments submitted by other
means that are received on or before June 1, 2005.
For documents and background, see the APHIS website under Biotechnology
Regulatory Services: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppd/rad/webrepor/brs.html
Or, all the background and links to several documents are in:
Federal Register 70: 18352-18353; April 11, 2005.
Federal Register 69: 67532-67533; November 18, 2004.
Federal Register 69: 57257-57260; September 24, 2004.
Federal Register 69: 315-317; January 5, 2004.
For electronic copies, use the government Federal Register search engine:
(or http://tinyurl.com/cuzbp )
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