[MPWG] CONFERENCE: 2004 Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium on PCA (10/2004)
Plant Conservation
plant at plantconservation.org
Tue Jun 15 15:54:41 CDT 2004
(Cross posted to all PCA associated lists, so you will get duplicates if
you are on more than one list.)
Spread the Word and Save the Date!
Symposium on October 26, 2004 in Chicago, IL
Call for Posters!
Poster Submission Deadline is July 30, 2004
Celebrating 10 Years of the Plant Conservation Alliance:
Conservation and Restoration of Plant Communities
2004 Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium
Chicago Botanic Garden
The Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) is a consortium of ten federal
government agencies and over 200 non-federal cooperating organizations
representing various disciplines within the field of plant conservation.
PCA cooperators work collectively to solve the problems of native plant
extinction and native habitat restoration, ensuring the preservation of
our ecosystems.
In the Chicago Botanic Garden's 2004 Janet Meakin Poor symposium, speakers
will focus on some of the most innovative research in the PCA's priority
areas of work: invasive plant species, plant community restoration,
medicinal plants and their harvest, and seed banking. The keynote speaker
will discuss the power of a national coalition in addressing conservation
issues. A working lunch will facilitate regional networking between
agency and NGO conservation practitioners.
For More Information Contact:
Kayri Havens, Ph.D., Medard and Elizabeth Welch Director of the Institute
for Plant Conservation
khavens at chicagobotanic.org
Beth Pinargote, Coordinator, Continuing Education
bpinargote at chicagobotanic.org
Please find the Call for Posters and follow Symposium details as they
develop at: http://www.chicagobotanic.org/symposia
The Chicago Botanic Garden is owned by the Forest Preserve District of
Cook County.
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