[APWG] Restoration Operations Manager Position

Ken Owen ken at cirweb.org
Wed Jan 14 09:53:11 CST 2015

Job Title: Operations Manager

Location: Carpinteria area

Company: Channel Islands Restoration

Application filing Deadline March 1


This is a full-time, salaried position.  The major duties of the Operations
Manager include, but are not limited to: overseeing the organization’s
habitat restoration projects (including scheduling personnel and equipment
and purchasing supplies) hiring, training and supervising personnel,
creating job estimates, monitoring program budgets and interfacing with
clients, partners, sub-contractors and CIR management personnel.


The candidate will have a Minimum of three years experience managing
invasive plant removal and revegetation projects and supervising restoration
crews.  A B.S. or greater in weed science, agriculture, botany, biology,
ecology, natural resource management, or equivalent from an accredited
institution preferred.


Compensation: $35,000 to $50,000 depending on experience, plus employer
contribution to health care plan.


Submit a cover letter of intent to apply and a résumé via email.  Candidates
may also submit reference letters from previous employers.  The most
qualified candidates will be invited to interview.  Do not apply unless you
have the qualifications and minimum experience as outlined above.  Further
details can be provided by contacting: 


Ken Owen, Executive Director

Channel Islands Restoration

ken at cirweb.org


Job web site: http://www.cirweb.org/jobs.htm


More information about Channel Islands Restoration can be found on our web
page at: www.cirweb.org.


Channel Islands Restoration is a non-profit organization that restores
habitat in sensitive and unique natural areas on the California Channel
Islands and adjacent mainland. We help protect rare and endangered native
plant and animal species by restoring the natural habitat they depend on for
survival. We educate a variety of groups about the value of native habitat
and how to protect it.  We recruit volunteers and identify and develop
public and private funding sources for habitat restoration programs. 


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