[APWG] Seeking participants for Phragmites management research

Vicky Hunt vhunt at chicagobotanic.org
Fri Sep 6 15:31:02 CDT 2013


The following is a request for participants in a collaborative effort to improve management of wetlands invaded by Phragmites.
Our goal is to harness the collective, already on-going efforts of managers to accelerate learning about how to most effectively control Phragmites and restore impacted habitats.

What would this entail? If you have areas with Phragmites where you plan to,or someday hope to, implement control practices (or that you are simply keeping your eyes on)… we would love some basic information about these areas, your management actions, and samples of leaf tissue for genetic analyses and soil for nutrient analyses.  And, we'll make it easy for you: we will send you all the sampling equipment, mailer, and data sheets that you'll need to participate!

What would you get out of it? For your site(s), genetic identification of whether you have the native or exotic subspecies and information about how soil conditions might be influencing Phragmites abundance. Collectively and over the longer term, we will learn about which actions are most effective for controlling Phragmites and reestablishing desired plant communities.

Potentially interested in getting involved? If so, please contact Vicky Hunt (vhunt at chicagobotanic.org)<mailto:dlarkin at chicagobotanic.org> and/or visit our project website: https://sites.google.com/site/phragmitesnet/
We will host a webinar on Friday, 9/20/13, 1:00pm CST, with more information and showcasing results of the project so far. Please email vhunt at chicagobotanic.org for details and to reserve your spot.

Thank you for considering this request!
Best regards,
Vicky Hunt (email: vhunt at chicagobotanic.org), Dan Larkin, Jeremie Fant, Sarah Jacobi, & Eric Lonsdorf

Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022

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