[APWG] Funding a 70-acre weed-back-to-native project with donations

craig at astreet.com craig at astreet.com
Sat Aug 24 22:12:20 CDT 2013

Dear All,
'Phase one of the Poppy Project is completed in Palo
Alto, California, with very good results, using the weed straw to kill the
annual weed seedlings within 60 days of the seedlings sprouting.  It
is so very nice to be able to kill the weeds with their own
The whole 70 acre project is going to be done with donations,
and I am trying GoFundMe as one way to fund this weeds-back-to-native
conversion project,, as you can see at
I have been waiting over four
decades for the local government agencies or public land managers to get
the funding together to do a project like this in my area, and since I
will turn 60 in a few months, decided to see if the public might support
the project directly, so we can get something going during my
As far as I know, this will be only the fourth project in
California, to take a 100% weed infested grassland ecosystem >10 acres,
and try and convert it back to the original local wildflowers and native
grasses.  You can see photos of the potential of what California used
to look like 300 years ago, before we got 99.99% weed infested at
My project is right next to the
parking lot at the Palo Alto Arastradero Preserve, so anyone is welcome to
come and watch as the project progresses.  All the native animals are
coming to visit,, a coyote, butterflies, hundreds of bumblebees in spring,
 two doves, gophers, a rabbit and a couple of lizards, within a few
months of establishing the natives as a solid 99.99% weed-free
Sincerely,  Craig Dremann (650) 325-7333
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