[APWG] Question about burning bush pollination

Janet Allen janetallen3 at verizon.net
Tue Jan 4 07:36:52 CST 2011

As a layperson working with other laypeople on native plant and habitat issues, I have a question about burning bush.

I find that suggesting to people that burning bush is a problem elicits passionate defense of their burning bushes and claims that they've never seen any seedlings.

At a recent HGCNY meeting, one of our members who started planting native plants just a few years ago said that for the first time her burning bush had berries. (She'll be getting rid of it soon.) But she also noted that with her native plants, she also now has a lot more bees.

Question: Is it likely that most people don't see a problem with burning bushes  because they don't have enough bees to produce berries and therefore seeds? 

If this is a scientifically defensible explanation, it would help me explain two problems to people - why burning bushes can be a problem as well as the need for bee conservation. 

Thank you!

Janet Allen, President
Wild Ones Chapter: Habitat Gardening in Central New York
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