[APWG] SURVEY: Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey (fwd)

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Mon Jun 7 18:10:46 CDT 2010

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Dear Fellow Conservationists,

I would like to draw your attention to the world’s largest collaborative
project on invasive species; it may be of particular interest to
educators, conservation groups, and resource managers.

Do you want to be part of the world’s largest scientific research
project on invasive species? The ‘Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey’ is
an international collaboration aimed at obtaining much-needed data on
the abundance and distribution of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
across its native and introduced ranges. In our first field season last
year, we received measurements and seed samples from 65 populations,
with a majority from Europe – already one of the largest systematic
field surveys of an invasive species. Our goal for this summer is 150 or
more, with a stronger emphasis on the southern and mid-west to western
United States.

This year we are hoping to increase participation among educators, as
well as land managers and ‘citizen-scientists’ who may not have much
formal science training. The survey involves a simple protocol that can
be followed directly or incorporated into field courses and nature
surveys. A population takes two people about 2-4 hours to measure. We
are also planning to develop internet-based teaching modules and tools
to aid with monitoring and managing this invasive plant. The sampling
protocol, along with contact information is available at the Global
Garlic Mustard Field Survey website: www.GarlicMustard.org (note that
you do not need to log in to the site to participate).

Ideal sampling time is 2-4 weeks after flowering finishes and ranges
from early June in southern states (e.g. OK, AR, AL, GA, SC) and lower
altitudes to mid to late July in northern states (e.g. OR, WA, ID, ND,
MN, WI, MI, VT, ME), higher altitudes and Canada.

Please contact me if you would like to participate.

North American Coordinator
Dr. Robert Colautti
Biology Department
Duke University
rob.colautti at duke.edu

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