[APWG] NEWS: Northwestern United States could face mroe tamarisk invasion by century's end

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Wed Sep 16 09:29:54 CDT 2009


Northwestern United States could face more tamarisk invasion by century's 
Models show habitat of the aggressive invasive plant likely will expand as 
temperature warms

If the future warming trends that scientists have projected are realized, 
one of the country's most aggressive exotic plants will have the potential 
to invade more U.S. land area, according to a new study published in the 
current issue of the journal Invasive Plant Science and Management. The 
study found that tamarisk.prevalent today in some parts of the region, but 
generally limited to warm and dry environments.could expand its range into 
currently uninvaded areas.

See the link above for the full press release text.

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