[APWG] NEWS: clean boats campaign

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Mon Apr 30 12:23:47 CDT 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: Pennsylvania Invasive Species Council [mailto:L-PISC at lists.psu.edu]
Behalf Of Bravo, Melissa
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 7:23 AM
Subject: FW: clean boats campaign


Every day, boaters and anglers unknowingly introduce harmful invasive
species into their favorite lakes and streams. These plants and animals
hitch a ride in boat hulls, propellers, muddy boots, and other
equipment. The Izaak Walton League of America is launching the Clean
Boats Campaign to raise awareness of this problem and educate boaters
and anglers how to properly clean their gear. The campaign kicks off
with a sweepstakes for a $2,500 boater's shopping spree and other
prizes. Participants enter to win by visiting www.cleanboats.org
<http://www.cleanboats.org/> and taking our Clean Boats Challenge to see
if they know how to keep their boats and waterways clean and safe from
invasive species. Because invasive species such as zebra mussels and
round gobies aren't native to American waters, they are safe from the
predators and diseases of their native habitat. As a result, they
reproduce exponentially and outcompete native fish and wildlife
populations, threatening biodiversity. They can also ruin boat engines,
jam steering equipment, increase the operating costs of drinking water
and power plants, affect human health, and reduce property values. In
the Great Lakes region alone, at least 184 aquatic invasive species are
already established, with a new one discovered every eight months. "Each
year, the United States spends $9 billion trying to control the spread
of aquatic invasive species that are damaging our waterways and
wildlife," says Leah Miller, director of watershed programs for the
Izaak Walton League. "If you can detect them early enough, it may be
possible to eradicate them. But in most instances, it is too late.
That's why it is important for boaters, anglers, and other water users
to inspect and clean their boats and gear every time they leave the
water. This keeps invasive species from spreading to new waters." For
more information on the Clean Boats Campaign, please contact Leah
Miller, (301) 548-0150, ext. 219, lmiller at iwla.org
<mailto:lmiller at iwla.org>. Clean Boats Campaign public service
announcements are available for download and use. For more information,
please contact Jay Clark at (301) 548-0150, ext. 233, or
jclark at iwla.org. <mailto:jclark at iwla.org> The Clean Boats Campaign is
funded by the Healing Our Waters Coalition, the Anheuser-Busch
Companies, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Great Lakes
Watershed Restoration Program. Founded in 1922, the Izaak Walton League
of America protects America's outdoors through community-based
conservation, education, and the promotion of outdoor recreation. The
League has more than 40,000 members and supporters nationwide.

Leah Miller
Director of Watershed Programs
Izaak Walton League of America, Inc.
707 Conservation Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
(301) 548-0150 ext. 219
(301) 548-0146 - fax


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