[APWG] FW: Requesting Identifications -- Useful context information

Larry Morse larry.morse.dc at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 13 00:47:12 CDT 2006


When requesting assistance on plant identifications (photos, descriptions, etc.) it is quite helpful to know some contextual information that can help limit the list of possibilities, especially:
State or Province where seen growing 
County (or similar) 
Ecological region, physiographic province, etc. (e.g., Piedmont) 
Habitat or ecological setting (e.g., streambank in woods, roadside in suburbs, garden weed) 
Whether wild or cultivated 
Size of plant, and/or size of some distinctive part (leaves, flowers, etc.)

Larry Morse
Washington, D.C.
larry.morse.dc at earthlink.net
(larry.e.morse at LEM-Natural-Diversity.com)
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