[APWG] Fw: Invasive Species Meeting - March 15 - Would you be interested in this?

Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov
Tue Feb 8 15:15:14 CST 2005


This looks like a very interesting meeting! Please contact Dixie if you're



                      Dixie Birch                                                                                                    
                                               To:      Rachel Cliche/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS, Jan D Taylor/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS,                   
                      02/01/2005 04:46         seaton.mark at epa.gov, Glenn Carowan/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS, Larry McGowan/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS,      
                      PM                       Martin Kaehny/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS, Tom Eagle/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS, Roger Stone/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS,   
                                               Sean Flint/R5/FWS/DOI at FWS, beanj at basf.com, vollmej at basf.com, saquattrocchi at dow.com,   
                                               lhipkins at vt.edu, esklad at tnc.org, craisler at tnc.org, robhedberg at erols.com,              
                                               steve at ipc-inc.org, kraus at asplundh.com, jcurry at psbpr.com, Chris_Dionigi at ios.doi.gov,   
                                               jmsepa at bellsouth.net, Alan.V.Tasker at aphis.usda.gov, jcota at fs.fed.us,                  
                                               mfrank at fs.fed.us, James_Akerson at nps.gov, Betsy_Lyman at nps.gov,                         
                                               ppannill at dnr.state.md.us, smgenua at pepco.com, Jenny_Ericson at fws.gov,                   
                                               Michael_Lusk at fws.gov, Tiffany_Parson at fws.gov, pease.anita at epa.gov,                    
                                               hall.katie at epa.gov, davy.michael at epa.gov, galavotti.holly at epa.gov,                    
                                               odenkirchen.edward at epa.gov, subijoy at msn.com, shanaman.lucy at epa.gov,                   
                                               levine.tina at epamail.epa.gov, jones.arnet at epamil.epa.gov,                              
                                               phillips.bill at epamail.epa.gov, smearman.stephen at epa.gov, zinn.nicole at epa.gov,         
                                               steinwand.brian at epa.gov, errico.philip at epa.gov, Tompkin.Jim at epa.gov,                  
                                               walters.vickie at epa.gov, westin.robert at epa.gov, podhorniak.lynda at epa.gov,              
                                               barnes.yvonne at epa.gov, hoffman.michael at epa.gov, flaherty.colleen at epa.gov,             
                                               patrick.gabe at epa.gov, kkyde at dnr.state.md.us, ann.m.nasr at aphis.usda.gov,               
                                               david_madsen at ios.doi.gov, lydonj at ba.ars.usda.gov, scelmendorf at ucdavis.edu,            
                                               kiernan.brian at epa.gov, jhough at udel.edu, rreardon at fs.fed.us, ehirsche at refugenet.org    
                                               Subject: Invasive Species Meeting - March 15                                          

Dear Invasive Species Participants:

We invite you to attend an invasive species meeting on March 15, 2005 at
Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge from 9am to 3pm.  Our goal is to
bring the experts on invasive species together to assist us in managing and
controlling 5 invasive species in 2005.  The 5 species are: Phragmites,
Mile-a-minute, Japanense stilt grass, Johnson grass, and Canadian thistle.

If you know of others who would be interested in working with us, please
share this invitation with those individuals.  We would like to brainstorm
and develop plans to effectively manage and monitor control of these
invasives throughout the Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge

We will offer a catered lunch for a cost of approximately $10.  Please RSVP
your attendance by no later than Feb. 28, 2005 and indicate if you'd like
to have the catered lunch.  Please RSVP to Rachel Cliche, invasive species
biologist, at 410-639-2108 or email: rachel_cliche at fws.gov.

We hope you can join us on March 15.

Dixie L. Birch, Ph.D.
Supervisory Wildlife Biologist
Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex
2145 Key Wallace Drive
Cambridge, MD  21613
Phone: 410-228-2692, ext. 118
Fax: 410-228-3261

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