[APWG] request: native landscaping policies at colleges and other organizations

Kermath, Brian Brian.Kermath at uwsp.edu
Thu Dec 18 17:02:40 CST 2003

To all:
Stetson University in DeLand, Florida recently implimented an all-native landscaping policy (for woody species) for its campus. The policy follows the successful establishment of a one-acre native landscape project that I initiated in 1995 and years of discussion and pressure from a small group of concerned individuals. [Project report available at: http://www.stetson.edu/~rsitler/ERC/native.doc]  To my knowledge, Stetson is the only university in the country with such a policy.
As part of a research project I am working on, I am trying to identify organizations (universities, schools, corpoarations, minicipalities, counties, etc.) with similar policies. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, 
Brian Kermath
Research Associate
Global Environmental Management Education Center
University of Wisconsin
Stevens Point, WI 54481 USA

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