[APWG] Fwd: [Aliens-L] Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference

Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov
Fri Dec 12 09:56:14 CST 2003

Forwarding. Please refer to announcement below.

----- Forwarded by Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS on 12/12/2003 10:55 AM -----
                      Phytodoer at aol.com                                                                                                 
                                               To:       ma-eppc at egroups.com, nwinvasivespecies at onenw.org.                              
                      12/11/2003 07:57         cc:       (bcc: Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS)                                                  
                      AM EST                   Subject:  Fwd: [Aliens-L] Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference                       

I thought some of you might know grad students who could participate in
conference.  It is not clear that the topics are limited to the "midwest"
but even if they are, topics of relevance could include forest pests and
diseases (including the large number introduced in Great Lakes ports),
earthworms, as well as the perennial favorites of weeds and ballast-related


Faith T. Campbell, Ph.D.
American Lands Alliance

----- Message from Reuben Keller <rkeller2 at nd.edu> on Wed, 10 Dec 2003
16:18:59 -0500 -----
      To: aliens-l at indaba.iucn.org                   
 Subject: [Aliens-L] Midwest Ecology and Evolution   

The following is a call for papers for a grad student conference being
at University of Notre Dame, Indiana, for March 2004.
Given that one of our strong points at ND is invasive species, we're hoping
a large number of talks about invasive species issues.  So, please consider
submitting an abstract (or encouraging your students to do so).
Cheers, and apologies to those not in the Midwest,
Reuben Keller

Call for papers - 24th Annual Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference,
University of Notre Dame March 5th-7th, 2004

The graduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences at the
University of Notre Dame would like to invite graduate students and
post-doctoral associates from the Midwestern United States to submit
abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the 24th Annual Midwest
Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC).

This year, MEEC will be held on the campus of The University of Notre Dame,
in South Bend, Indiana from March 5-7, 2004.  Keynote speaker will be Dr.
Michael Rosenzweig, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the
University of Arizona.

In addition to contributed sessions on topics in ecology and evolution,
invited and contributed papers will be considered for two special symposia:
(1) Conservation Issues in the Midwest, and (2) Conceptual Innovations in
Ecology and Evolution. Papers presented at these symposia will be
for publication in a special issue of the American Midland Naturalist.

MEEC provides an opportunity for graduate students and post-docs to present
their research in a relatively informal environment and is a great way to
meet other ecology and evolutionary scientists in the Midwest eco-region.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is January 31st, 2004.  Registration
fee is $40.

For more information, go to http://meec2004.org or email drake.4 at nd.edu.


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